A1. How to say Yes in Turkish. Selamünaleyküm: literally means “May God’s peace be upon you” and is used by Muslims as a greeting. İstasyona nasıl gidebilirim? --> Hay. The difference is that the part of the sentence that is asked is replaced by the appropriate question word. Note that to make a question sentence asking a verb, we use : "What + to be (in the appropriate tense) + object + to do (in the appropriate tense)", "Object + ne + yapmak (in the appropriate tense and person)". But “Özür dilerim” is more formal. Is this your house? The reply for “Hayırlı olsun” is “Teşekkür ederim”. In English, there is a certain word order for regular question sentences. (ev in the regular sentence is replaced by nere. ©2010 HowToSay.org No, his name is not Ahmet. The question word comes first, and the rest of the sentence elements follow it. Ahmet ne yapıyor? Just replace that word or phrase with the appropriate question word. . (, Where did Ahmet go? --> Bu senin evin mi? This is a notebook. Sometimes “Hayırlı olsun” is said in such condition. Note that the question word nere also takes the suffix -e of the word ev and becomes nereye, meaning 'to where'), What is Ahmet doing? Let's see some example sentences demonstrating the use of the question suffix -mi. You just add "değil mi" at the end regardless of the sentence. In Turkish, yes-no questions are constructed with the question suffix, ? You just add ". " In Turkish, yes-no questions are constructed with the question suffix '-mi'. In English the expressions; Good evening and Good night are singular. --> Bu bir kitap mı? “Excuse me! How to Say Thank You in Turkish.

The reply for “Gözünüz aydın” is “Teşekkür ederim.”, Hayırlı olsun: When someone opens a shop or starts a new bussiness, others say “Hayırlı olsun” to him. Is this a book? When someone wants to visit you , and asks if you have time, your positive answer  will be “Buyrun”, which literally is an invitation and it means that the speaker will be happy to see the quest in his/her home. The reply for “Geçmiş olsun” is “Teşekkür ederim”. Afederniz! This is my mother's house. How can I get to the station?”. tarek in Turkish means the "morning star" , in Turkish you say " sabah yildizi " for morning star. --? The YES program is administered in partnership with the U.S. Department of State by a consortium of non-profit organizations led by American Councils for International Education. While in Turkey I had a hard time grasping how to say things that are so common in English, but are rarely said in the same way for Turkish. Question tags are the questions of the form: Constructing question phrases in Turkish is very simple and straightforward. The reply for “Kolay gelsin” is “Teşekkür ederim”, “Excuse me”. (, This is simply the regular sentence where the action is replaced by ", Constructing question phrases in Turkish is very simple and straightforward. The one who leaves, says “Allahaısmarladık” or “Hoşca kalın”. Turkish questions may be either a linguistic expression used to make a request for information, or else the request itself made by such an expression. Either “Allahaısmarladık” or “Hoşca kalın” is correct in informal situations. When you go in a store the shopkeeper will say “Buyrun” to you. --> Onun adı Ahmet mi? About Us The expression indicates that the others share the speaker’s happiness, and that they are also happy about it. (Note how the regular sentence is turned into a yes-no question sentence by the addition of the question suffix.

“Güle güle” corresponds “Go well” in English. But in formal situatiaons “Hoşca kalın” is better. This type of “Hello” is “Alo”. Its usage is almost the same as in English. The expression indicates the speaker’s wish that the new bussiness will bring him prosperity, and it will be profitable.

The one who stays behind, says “Güle güle”.