From the garage, make a stop at the ammo box to get more bullets for the Pistol. Go back outside and to the parking lot and you see three darkness fountains rise up, Each fountain has three structures, one's an antenna of sorts and the other two are pipes. As you enter, you can't miss noticing another TV Show before some stairs. Wait for the stairs ahead of you to assemble.

These manuscripts will unlock weapon boxes within the game and in arcade mode so they can come quite handy at times. The last one is in the area where we took the second manuscript page – and empty parking lot so you need to go down, use the slope to the right of the observatory to go there and then come back. Run out of the burning place and kill the Taken on your way out.

The order of the items in the video will be the same as the text. It will be a long walk, and you have to run even past the building with the projectors inside(it will be on your left as you go). This is already a good chance for an achievement. Now, go down from the right to the parking area and look to the right of the entrance to the parking and you find the next page [, Now go to the power switch and kill the taken here – there's a lot. Go to the motel and kill the Giant and further inside you find two birds. Open the observatory gate and Enter the main observatory. Flip the right switch and go out, be careful when you are near the exit of the warehouse as a lot of Taken attack at the same time, throw a flashbang or a flare between them and kill them all. The path ahead is simple and very narrow, there is no way you will get lost in here. Talk to Dr. Meadows and Secure the primary pipes. Finally, two more groups will spawn on the way back to the garage/motel area. For Alan Wake's American Nightmare on the PC, Guide and Walkthrough by snkupo. Then proceed back upwards on the street, to return to the beginning of this place. Boost light to destroy them and move around to the other two and destroy them. Mr.Scratch talks to you and two Giants with more Taken come from the right. Grab a Flare Gun, and then some rifle ammo/Flashbang. Then examine the black printer on the right (East) side of the room to get the "printout" and complete this part of the game. It's a terrific weapon, and it's worth exchanging it for your Assault Rifle (it lacks power for long-range shots, but you have the Magnum for those). Open it, take the flare gun and its ammunition. Notice the ammo crate lying nearby. Considering that it can also shoot from long distances with good results, I'd say it's time to upgrade your gun and pick this one up. Place the camera and go back out. These are 53 manuscripts scattered through Alan Wake: American Nightmare, and finding them all will unlock ‘One Day I’ll Buy a Stapler’ achievement. Get past the gate on the left and you will see 3 cylinders. When you get there hold F to read the manuscript. ... Alan Wake's American Nightmare General hints and tips. Go up and find the next page on a table near the pool [, Now, go to where the TV is and look behind the trailer which is near the TV to find the next page [. On the left (East) side of the road, there will be a couple of trucks parked. Shine your boosted flashlight on him, and he will split into two halves. Now that you've reached the observatory, check the rear of the truck in front of its door. The manuscript is down there on the fence. Collecting them is optional but they will give you a great insight on in game. Head to the smaller observatory and the page is right before its parking lot. Talk to Emma about recharging the battery. Three fast Takens and a couple of Chainsaw Takens will assault you outside the fenced area.

In the next scene, Alan wakes up in a crashed car. If you try to open it, it will tell you that you need to find three manuscript pages in order to unlock it and grab its content (SMG). Alan must stop Mr. Scratch by rewriting his reality in order to reunite with his wife, Alice. The page is there on a table. Here you will have three levers, and an ammo box on their left. The correct combination to proceed is (from left to right): lever up, lever down, lever up (so, examine the first and the third one, but not the middle one).

When you get closer to the fences, look around t… After all that, go back to the doctor up the elevator and take the printout from the right most computer. Head for the building where Serena is. Boost light on them and take them out. Avid, excessive, convoluted, harcore, intrinsic, addicted gamer who only plays games... You'll have to face your first Chainsaw enemy here. One is a white calendar, attached to the wall just on the left of the door to the Southern room (examine it twice). To contine, from where you just fought, go left (West) and follow the way until you reach the Safe Haven located just in front of the entrance of the building.

Walk under the street lamp and the game tells that this is your first Safe Haven. The page is behind them. Remember that you can reload your weapon by pressing/tapping X.