They can measure anywhere between 22 to 30 inches in length (56 - 76 cm). Commerson's dolphins were first described in 1767 by Philibert Commerson. Juveniles are gray-black and lighten into their adult white coloring of the anterior body and black head. They do well in captivity with an average life of about 18 years.

At birth, these dolphins don't have the flashy black and white pattern, but are grey, black, and brown. Those found around the Kerguelen Islands are larger than the South American variety, and may be a subspecies. They weigh between 77-132 lbs. Communication consists of various high-pitched clicks and whistles that allow them to communicate a need or desire. Commersons’ Dolphins are prey for Leopard Seals, Sharks, and Orcas. 1014705.Keep up-to-date with all the news from WDC and the world of whales and dolphins.Commerson’s dolphins and Peale’s dolphins – Argentina.To estimate population parameters on Commerson’s and Peale’s dolphins in Santa Cruz province.To study the acoustic behavior of Commerson’s and Peale’s dolphins and identify potential impacts of human-made noise on these species.To provide information to better understand cetacean diversity and help develop new conservation programmes for cetacean species in Santa Cruz waters.To provide decision makers with information and assessment to mitigate the threats that these species face.Strengthen existing marine protected areas (MPAs) and/ or create new MPAs for cetaceans along the Patagonian coast, as deemed necessary.Provide the local community with information of the species present in their area in order for them to appreciate those neighboring species and work for their conservation.Since July 2001, Commerson’s dolphins have been protected in Santa Cruz province, thanks to a provincial law which created the Commerson’s dolphin Provincial Natural Monument.

Because of its striking black and white patterns, this dolphin is also called by other names such as the Skunk dolphin and the Piebald dolphin. In 2002, the hunting or intentional capture of individuals of the species was also made illegal.In October 2009, Peale’s dolphins were designated as a Provincial Natural Monument.We have the oldest Commerson’s dolphin photo-id catalog which dates back to 1996.We recorded and characterized for the first time whistles produced by Commerson’s dolphins, and described the echolocation behaviour of the species in Bahía San Julián.Ambient noise levels were estimated in Bahía San Julián and Ría Deseado, allowing us to have baseline information to monitor future changes in these important habitats for Commerson’s and Peale’s dolphins.During our studies in Santa Cruz province we contributed to strengthen the marine protected areas of Santa Cruz province: Reserva natural Cabo Vírgenes, Parque interjurisdiccional marino Makenke, Reserva provincial Península San Julián, Ría Deseado, Bahía San Julián.Through the educational component of the project, different activities were undertaken such as presentations about whales, dolphins and their habitat, beach cleaning and the opening of an exhibition in January 2019 in Puerto San Julián which then moved on to Puerto Deseado with other locations planned for the future. This particular dolphin is named after French naturalist Dr. Philibert Commerson who first discovered them in the Strait of Magellan in 1767. We have the oldest Commerson’s dolphin photo-id catalog which dates back to 1996. There are two subspecies of Commerson's dolphin that can be found on the southern coast of South America and around Kerguelen Islands. As a result, this species now bears his name. It has a white patch on its throat that travels beneath its pectoral fins, then sweeps upwards, covering the whole midsection of the dolphin in white, with a small black patch on the underside that may come up slightly to the sides of the dolphin. It has a black head, dorsal fin, and fluke, with a white throat and body. These dolphin are very social marine mammals known to perform various acrobatic stunts such as leaps and flips. He had originally sighted these dolphins in the Straight of Megellan, in South America. Other Names: Piebald Dolphin, Skunk Dolphin, Jacobite , Southern Dolphin, and Panda Dolphin Size: Commerson's Dolphins are one of the smaller species of dolphins.Commerson's Dolphins are 4.5 feet in length. White and black in color, these curious animals can be seen year-round at Mo'ia Atoll. Commerson’s Dolphin Behavior. Commerson’s Dolphin Swimming. Commerson's are active breachers, and may breach repeatedly in a short period of time.

The Kerguelen Island population in the Indian Ocean was not known of until the 1950s.Commerson's dolphins were originally classified in 1804 under the genus species.These dolphins can be found in shallow waters along the southernmost tip of South America and around the Kerguelen Islands in the Indian Ocean. They will consume various sea life such as fish, squid or octopus, crustaceans such as shrimp, and some other invertebrates as well, most likely foraging near the sea floor for their meals.Being dolphins, they are quite active and can swim very quickly, usually around the surface of the water. Bowriding is a common behavior, and they may also swim behind vessels, playing in the wake. This dolphin can live for about 10 years in the wild.

There are two subspecies, separated by about 8,500 kilometers. It may curve back slightly, though some individuals have a less rounded find that is almost triangular in shape. Of the threats mentioned, throughout the project the two main ones that would be affecting Commerson's and Peale's dolphins, as well as other species of cetaceans in the area, are by-catch and seismic exploration. This allows us to have a better idea of cetacean diversity within Patagonian waters by recording not only species that are regularly seen within the area but also rare species such as:A world where every whale and dolphin is safe and free.Registered Charity (England and Wales) No. Commerson's dolphin is one of the smallest species of dolphins. See more ideas about Dolphins, Sea mammal, Whale. It is one of the four members of the genus Cephalorhynchus, a group of dolphins very attractive because of the coloring patterns of their skin.It was named “Commerson” in honor of Philibert Commerson, the French naturalist who described this dolphin for the first time. Typical coloration of an adult would be a black colored head, with a large black area sweeping back from the dorsal fin to the flukes. Female Commerson's Dolphins are are typically somewhat larger than their male counterparts. May 17, 2015 - Explore 愛雯 林's board "Commerson’s Dolphins" on Pinterest. Commerson’s Dolphin has a very distinctive patterning. Bowriding is a common behavior, and they may also swim behind vessels, playing in the wake. At birth, Commerson's dolphin calves are fairly large - almost half the size of their mothers. The Commerson’s dolphin is also known as the skunk dolphin or panda dolphin. Generally speaking, all coastal cetaceans face numerous threats such as bycatch in gillnets, habitat degradation, pollution, seismic exploration and emerging diseases among others. Commerson’s Dolphin (Cephalorhynchus commersonii) Commerson’s Dolphin is one of four dolphins in the Cephalorhynchus genus.