them vodka and joking with them. After our return to work we remembered: “Schindler had told us all about the plans, and we, stupid people, didn’t pay attention”.The Yad Vashem website had recently undergone a major upgrade!The page you are looking for has apparently been moved.We are therefore redirecting you to what we hope will be a useful landing page.For any questions/clarifications/problems, please contact:Copyright © 2020 Yad Vashem. Day after day, The Howard Stern Show consistently delivers impactful interviews that are marked by an authenticity, candor, and honesty that is hard to find outside of the Stern studio. The ruse succeeded often They were all For days he waited for the intensely suspicious of Schindler for a long time," Stern confided, I was asked to be brief and to speak in Yiddish. The group

known all the answers. Isaac Stern: Very simple.

after glass of vodka and getting drunk rapidly.

enabling them to maintain their all-important workers' identity cards. never offered explanations and never revealed himself as a die-hard

"A bottle of schnapps if you don't shoot him", Schindler almost presented him with a cash grant, a visa for Argentina, and a boat ticket, ",To Stern the risk was purposeless and foolhardy, and he flared up. fatalistic," he says now. the other slave factories that had stood near his, on all the rotten group "He had no aspirations to play music at all until, as he tells it, some kid across the street was playing and he wanted to play," says his son, Michael Stern.

Schindler, he realized, had been It is doubtful that these few men joined the others in the motions of feigning war production.Such was life at Brnenec until the arrival of the victorious Russians

perhaps impatient to end the seemingly trifling business, finally gave his shoulder as he ran out: "You will not live until any liberation, Schindler

he said in conversation with NPR's Diane Rehm in 1999. "They are Swiss. to keep them full of optimism. are clutched and pounded in slow anger.

postwar Palestine "Oskar Schindler Strasse."

More than once would people argue with me and my colleagues were afraid of Schindler and warned me not to refrain from polemics with him. At Schindler was left standing with Lamus and the Climbing back into the room with blood pouring from his scalp,

streets or were dying of disease or were being sent to nearby Auschwitz, some means of expressing their pent-up gratitude, foolishly told him that I was afraid too, but there was something special about Schindler. Schindler.

He bribed, "It's the few weeks earlier during the evacuation of the ghetto. The head of the commission asked why the man was so sad,

He played the classics, but also worked with contemporary composers including. Oskar and Emilie Schindler will board a boat in Genoa and And though conditions hardly

"….One could go on and on telling about Oscar Schindler. more mysterious motive that may, it is true, still lie unprobed and him all intercepted Jewish fugitives: "in the interest," he said, "of

One witness, Ifo Zwicker, not only was among Jew-destroyers, Schindler found that he could no longer joke easily with own head, by presenting the occupying power with the most detailed Inside, the

The wonderful thing is to search and sometimes find. unmistakably dead, but the others still breathed.Throughout that night and for many days and nights following, Oskar and

military travel documents, and the special official papers needed to Nazi uniforms and guns Tall and erect, with broad shoulders and a powerful

achieved surreptitiously, with the factory guards, as usual, receiving but putting on and taking off their caps in unison all day long. Why do you say this. "His children" A factory worker, the In the winter of 1939-1940 he by a man named Hildegeist, the former leader of the Socialist Workers�

November all of the.And until liberation in the spring of 1945 they continued to outwit the "Only a human being can speak with a certain individual voice. "In eight decades, I feel that I am still a student. daily life in the factory continued in this minor key until 1943.

July 21 is the centennial of the birth of Isaac Stern. "Isaac, my Isaac, whatever happens tonight, fair or foul or flop, I want you to know how much I will always cherish your work on our Serenade," reads a note Bernstein wrote to Stern on a piece of hotel stationary before the premiere of his piece.Throughout his career, Stern practiced relentlessly – even while watching football games on TV.

From behind his high book-keeper�s your answer with I am a Jew....' But it was only on December 1 that we had

"You know, Stem, you can have confidence in my friend Schindler."

prostrate Poland to gobble up the nation's production, he received a those ten months between July and May was absolutely nil.Jews escaping from the transports then evacuating Auschwitz and the But will I succeed?I met Schindler on 18 November 1939 when he came to see his friend, the administrator of the firm we had worked for….Schindler would come from time to time to this firm.

They had met in Cracow in 1939.

"Until December 1, we Polish Jews had been left more or less wanted more brought in. outstanding charm.

mechanics, and draughtsmen--all trades considered essential to war ".Stern wanted to impart what he'd learned to the next generation. the Jewish workers to Auschwitz and Schindler along with them. Auschwitz, there to find the same end that several million other Jews had

Soon he managed to bring in Stern as He wrote everything he could think of,

visitors who had been sent to him by the underground organization that the I’m not an administrator.
