Notable listed individuals include Arkady and Boris Rotenberg, Yuri Kovalchuk (the largest single shareholder of Bank Rossiya), Vladimir Yakunin, the chairman of the board of the state-owned company Russian Railways, and Gennady Timchenko, a wealthy businessman and former majority shareholder in the Volga Group, an investment strategy group that holds a variety of assets on behalf of Timchenko. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. NATO summit proposes Partnership for Peace. }. So far, no sanctions have been imposed as a result of this Act. Most of the individuals designated for blocking in accordance with EU Ukraine-related sanctions were either involved in the annexation of Crimea by Russia or in the then-burgeoning separatist movement in eastern Ukraine. the U.S. of violating the treaty by deploying an MK41VLS launcher capable of launching cruise missiles as part of the Aegis Ashore missile defense system in Romania. his resignation from the post of U.S. Bush flies to St. Petersburg after a NATO summit in Prague to meet with Putin. Designed by Kinetiq Solutions. President Obama signs Executive Order 13662 giving the Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Secretary of State, the authority to impose blocking or other types of sanctions on entities and persons operating in the financial services, energy, metals and mining, engineering, and defense sectors, thereby introducing the concept of “sectoral sanctions.” While OFAC did not get into sectoral sanctions until July 2014, on March 20 it immediately designated on the SDN list 20 individuals and 1 entity, Bank Rossiya (then ranked 17th in size in Russia), which, according to the Department of Treasury, acted as the personal bank for senior Russian officials. The Partnership for Economic Progress is created, opening new paths for bilateral trade and economic development. • Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (PACE): voting and other rights of the Russian delegation to the Assembly suspended (10 April 2014).
Yeltsin announces that Russia will soon begin to withdraw troops from the Baltics. Only their access to U.S./Western financing is hindered. On this day, Gazprombank and Vnesheconombank (the Bank for Development and Foreign Economic Affairs) are designated pursuant to Directive 1; while energy companies Novatek and Rosneft fall under Directive 2. Tier 2 – sanctions against individuals and organisations (adopted March 2014, amended several times since; renewed every six months, next due for renewal on 15 March 2018) After meetings in Geneva, Secretary of State John Kerry and his Russian counterpart, Sergei Lavrov, Russia suspends the U.S.-Russia Plutonium Disposition, U.S. intelligence organizations say they have, The U.S. Office of the Director of National Intelligence releases, After Trump fires FBI director James Comey, his predecessor Robert Mueller is, Donald Trump holds first face-to-face meeting as president with Putin, in which he asks the Russian leader about election hacking and. Ambassador Vitaly Churkin claims that Syria needs a gradual and apolitical approach, as opposed to the options the U.S. has proposed. Russia retaliated with its own counter-sanctions. Moscow Declaration implemented: The U.S. and Russia officially no longer aim nuclear weapons at each other. However, the most notable act on this day was the entry into force of Executive Order 13685, which effectively placed a U.S. trade embargo on the Crimean peninsula. actions, Russian or other citizens with accounts at these targeted banks can still withdraw and transact unhindered. September 2018: In the 60th sanctions package since 2011, the U.S. blacklists 33 Russian nationals and three entities. Ambassador to Russia. The U.S. announces it has arrested 10 Russian spies living in America. Gorbachev hopes to use the summit as an opportunity to agree to the START Treaty, but Reagan is not interested in further arms control agreements. Bush and Putin agree to create the NATO-Russia Council, which will work toward cooperation in areas of common interests, including nonproliferation and a joint peacekeeping force in Bosnia. Terms set forth by Moscow for resuming cooperation include the repeal of and compensation for U.S. sanctions and a rollback of U.S. forces in NATO member states admitted after Sept. 1, 2000. Russia, which does not have an extradition agreement with the U.S., grants asylum to Snowden. All rights reserved. Bush had previously proposed that Moscow give up its land-based, multiple-warhead ballistic missiles.

In November, Soviet Georgia declares sovereignty. in Political Science and Russian Language and Culture. that he had not exonerated Trump of acting to obstruct the Russia probe.

Council Regulation (EU) No 692/2014 enters into force, prohibiting the import and financing thereof of goods originating on the Crimean peninsula into the EU. By October, Hungary and Czechoslovakia follow Poland's example and, on Nov. 9, the East German government opens.