Please see this official instruction from Eventbrite. More robust reporting of unexpected API call errors, Handle more than one organization allocated to a single API key, Make processing more robust if cache gets corrupted, fixes #47 long description and custom API on shortcode, closes #42 premium only js tweak for calendar view, closes #37 and # 41 handle no venue for new Online feature of EB, change to popup scripts closes #1, closes #32, closes #11, update freemius library to 2.3.2 – enhanced privacy & opt in, added filters to allow overidding the combined date / time formats instead of using WP defaults, Updated settings to reflect Eventbrite renaming Private API Key to Private Token, Updated Readme and settings pages to new docs, (Pro only ) added popup feature and html content option, (Pro only ) Modify templates to display ‘No Events found’, (Pro only ) Properly localize month in header date, (Pro only ) Fix week view not to display unneeded time slots, Fix event duplication on more than 50 when selective, widget feature update, changed default image size to 300 and placeholder to https, fixed bug where valid token is thought to be invalid, Added aria-label attributes to read more / book now links for accessibility on templates, Display error message to front end ( only to users with manage_options capabilities ), Warning that Keyring is deprecated for this plugin, Improve validation of Oauth API key in settings, Use the new Eventbrite API endpoint for description to cater for the new UI if long description required, Improve resolution of conflict if free and premium activated, Cater for ultra large Org Ids from Eventbrite, Change to use /organizations end point as the /users/me/owned_events is advised as to be deprecated, Improved coverage and filtering for accounts with more 50 events, and fixed issue with 2.6.4 upwards which using personal auth displaying draft and completed events, Improve reliability of the events displayed via the api, Fix to calendar template to display calendar even when zero events, minor change to admin style for 5.0 block editor, code change to widget template to allow descriptions with percent signs, added Jetpack Photon filter to stop Jetpack corrupting Eventbrite Image URLs, refactored vendor dir and removed uneeded files, Incorporated direct calls to Eventbrite API, removing need for Eventbrite API plugin, added options to specify open in new tab or not. Flexible options and easy to set up – this is a much better option than using the old Eventbrite API plugin. Thank you for creating this plugin. Shortcode Examples: [wp_events col=”3″ posts_per_page=”12″] The paid version looks good. This is a SUPER time-saving tool.

Import Eventbrite Events allows you to import Eventbrite ( events into your WordPress site.

Since Eventbrite is already pretty much setup for you to start selling tickets, there's a good incentive for you to integrate it into your WordPress site. These days we have many great solutions for managing our events outside of WordPress like Eventbrite. Great plugin. (Pro), ADDED: Now user can import facebook events which are accesible from user’s profile (Pro), ADDED: Facebook Authorization option for import facebook group events (Pro), ADDED: User can edit scheduled import now. This plugin offers the easiest and most elegant way to display Eventbrite events on your website compared to all other plugins I know. Managing events on WordPress can be a challenge. Thank you so much! Then click on Install Now after that activate the plugin.

You just need to copy-paste the shortcode to any post or page on your website, PRO VERSION FEATURES Solved everything in 15 minutes.

Whilst there are many events calendar plugins, there are disadvantages of managing your own events system and Eventbrite brings

Knocked it out of the park for us! This plugin helps bridge the gap between the two platforms while retaining the great user interface and experience that Eventbrite provides.

This free plugin creates a Widget for Eventbrite using the API enabling you to display your forthcoming events, just like you would do for recent posts in an easy to use and familiar way. Install and activate the plugin A shortcode to output your Eventbrite attendee list. Before you can use the widget

On the Edit Page, click on “Text”. Highly recommended for it's ease of use. Log in to your WordPress admin panel and click the Plugins menu.

Move out of the sidebar or footer, and create full page layouts using the pro shortcode and additional widget features.

Unzip the package and move to your plugins directory. you need to connect to your Eventbrite account so it can read your events, how to do that is detailed in the next FAQ.


Then click on Install Now after that activate