Various topics related to being a candidate in an election are listed below: All content @ Elections New Brunswick. If the individual is not endorsed by the political party, the candidate’s name will not appear on the ballot with the party affiliation. See our candidate nomination booklet for details. Contributions, loans, and other financing must be arranged by the candidate’s registered district association or registered political party; “Pre-writ” advertising must be authorized by the candidate’s registered district association and is subject to an annual limit; The candidate must appoint an official agent to authorize all election expenses of the candidate. For more information about candidate nominations, see the Guide for Candidates on our Guides page and the Candidate Nomination Forms on our Forms page. The documents and forms are also available to download using the links below. The official representative of a registered nomination contestant is required to file one or more financial returns disclosing the details of all contributions and other financing received in support of the nomination contestant. An individual who is elected by acclamation in an electoral district is still considered a nomination contestant and must complete the registration process.           day; • ordinarily resident in the Province for at We encourage candidates to file their nomination documents as early as possible. Information that is applicable to all candidates is listed below. • ordinarily resident in an electoral district on the date of the election (but not Liberal leader Kevin Vickers will be in Miramichi, in the northeast, while Tory leader Blaine Higgs will be in St. Croix, in the southwestern corner of the province, near the U.S. border. Any person who meets these requirements can become a candidate; however, prospective candidates who work for the provincial or federal government should discuss any employment related conditions before deciding to offer. Ordinary nominations for a by-election can be filed between 9 a.m. Pacific time on Day 3 and 1 p.m. Pacific time on Day 7. On Friday, the People’s Alliance had 21 nominated candidates but said they hoped to have at least 30 people in place by the Aug. 28 nomination deadline. FREDERICTON — The leaders of the Liberal and Progressive Conservative parties are in opposite corners of New Brunswick today to start the first weekend of the provincial election campaign. The exact process to become a nomination contestant varies by party, but the registration process is not complete until an authorized officer of the registered political party accepts the individual and files the form “Application for Registration as a Leadership Contestant or Nomination Contestant” with Elections New Brunswick. All financial transactions in relation to the election campaign must go through a separate campaign account. This page contains information and material useful for individuals interested in becoming a candidate, the official agent, or the scrutineer of a candidate for a provincial election. At that time, the returning officer for each electoral district is empowered to accept nomination papers from candidates. This letter explains the financial requirements for candidates and can be provided to a savings institution if needed. Candidates must be: 18 or older a Canadian citizen a B.C. This week Vickers promised to spend millions of dollars more on agriculture, fisheries and tourism, while Higgs pledged little new money, telling voters he would stick to projects outlined in his government’s March budget.