“We see it as a very powerful initiative to help address the so-called skills gap in manufacturing, especially at a time in which the manufacturing workforce is navigating some unprecedented challenges related to COVID-19.”.As part of the launch, companies like Dassault Systèmes, Foxconn, Schneider Electric and Tulip are making their online learning resources available on the portal so manufacturers can use the downtime from the crisis to gain valuable skills. It is led by Robin Schwartz and Derek Woodside. Most large job sites are so crowded and competitive – it’s almost impossible to get noticed! JobsInManufacturing.com offers exposure to more than 300,000 manufacturing candidates, attracting the most qualified candidates for positions in plant management, quality control, production planning, materials management, engineering, maintenance, purchasing … 2020 Share ... MFG.works is also working on a job board, so members can get access to manufacturing opportunities around the world and companies can find top talent.

Valérie Ferret, Vice President 3DEXPERIENCE Edu, Dassault Systèmes.All opinions expressed are those of the author. “In the end, it’s an open platform, so the community of users will be in charge of its future,” said Saul Lustgarten, of Tulip, who is leading the initiative. Many of these sites have been around for years and are well established job seeker destinations. Launched in July of 2002, JobsInManufacturing.com, a division of JobsInLogistics.com, is the #1 manufacturing online job board. Published 06 May 2020. To access this free accessible portal and for more information, please visit,“We are delighted to see that manufacturing companies are stepping up and making their training content globally available,” said Francisco Betti, the Head of Advanced Manufacturing and Production at the World Economic Forum. A marketplace with information in eLearning and video formats that is accessible to anyone who wants to increase their skills in advanced manufacturing will benefit our whole sector.” Deirdre Murphy SVP HR Industrial Automation, Schneider Electric.“Dassault Systèmes is convinced that the future is about people, that the only progress is human. A wide range of topics are offered in online modules, including IIoT in production; how to design for additive manufacturing; the basics of Industrial AI and how to create manufacturing apps to digitize production. In addition to the free educational content.“Companies that provide their workers with the resources to gain new skills will be better prepared for the recovery as well as for facing the next challenge” said Jay lee, Vice Chairman and Board Member of Foxconn Technology Group.“The goal of this community is to enable more collaboration and innovation in our industry,” said Natan Linder, CEO of Tulip, one of the initiative’s sponsors. View jobs available on ManufacturingJobs.com Career Center. Manufacturing Job Postings - Hiring managers, corporate human resources, recruiting and staffing professionals, and headhunters often use niche job sites because the big boards produce too many unqualified candidates. These job boards often target one specific industry like healthcare, transport, … These are the latest job postings from our trusted, employer partners. Related: Manufacturing Posts Tag Post a manufacturing job today and get immediate results. © Recruiting Headlines - All the Recruiting News You Can Use - Division of RecTech Media -,Survey Reveals Manufacturing Industry Struggles to Keep Millennials Informed About Career Opportunities,HackerRank Launches Data Scientist Hiring Tool,AllyO Raises $45M Series B Funding in Largest AI Recruiting Round Ever,New Addison Report Points to Use of More Freelancers.Marcus Sawyerr: Digital Transformation is Coming.How Transcom’s TA team increased Hires per Recruiter by 300% over 3 years. The World Economic Forum Blog is an independent and neutral platform dedicated to generating debate around the key topics that shape global, regional and industry agendas.Advanced Manufacturing and Production community,Shaping the Future of Advanced Manufacturing and Production community,Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution,Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship. New free online learning portal and career board for manufacturing jobs.

Supporting the manufacturing workforce is key to the industry’s transformation, which is even more revealed by the COVID-19 crisis.