Dolphins are found quite literally all over the world; generally they reside in shallow seawater of the continental shelves. When they find a shoal of fish, dolphins work as a team to keep the fish close together and …

Bottlenose dolphins grow to an average length of 3 to 4.2 metres, and vary in colour, shape and size.

What do Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins look like? Made famous by corporations and TV shows, the world’s intrigue in these beautiful individuals has gone hand-in-hand with their prolonged and widespread exploitation. But they usually live off benthic (bottom-dwelling) fish. Body Shape

This is why animals typically mate with caution and do so very rarely, as an evolutionary imperative. ). With a sleek frame glistening iridescent blues and greys, Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins are instantly recognisable.

You can observe dolphins in both cold and warm waters.. Of course, there are certain species of dolphins that show preference to a particular temperature. The bottlenose dolphin prefers to live in warmer waters. For dolphins, sex is a rewarding experience. The most well-known dolphin is the bottlenose dolphin, which has appeared in various media outlets. Its sleek, conical body varies in color from a light to slate grey on the upper body to a pale to pinkish grey on the bottom part. What do they look like? Their teeth are not used to chew the food. Large bottlenose dolphins in the Pacific may be 3.7 m (12 ft.) and weigh 454 kg (1,000 lbs.).

Their flippers are long and slender, with pointed tips. Coastal bottlenose dolphins measured off Sarasota, Florida average 2.5 to 2.7 m (8.2 to 8.9 ft.) and weigh between 190 and 260 kg (419 to 573 lbs.).

Every 5 – 8 minutes, the Bottlenose Dolphin, like all other dolphins, needs to rise to the surface to breathe through its blowhole, though it generally breathes more frequently – up to several times per minute.

They have a short, round snout with a sharp crease between the snout and forehead. Bottlenose dolphins measure around 2-4 m (6-12 ft.) long and weigh 135-650 kg (300 – 1400 lbs. Some scientists also believe that dolphins can achieve orgasm while having sex. Bottlenose dolphins diet consists mainly of small fish with occasional squid, crabs, shrimp, and other smaller animals. Bottlenose Dolphins live in social groups called ‘Schools’ or ‘Pods’ containing up to 12 individuals. Bottlenose dolphins are carnivores and they tend to eat a wide variety of prey. However, dolphins, like humans and some primates, have sex for pleasure. Dolphins are highly intelligent, warm-blooded mammals that live and thrive in various locations across the world, from the cold northern and southern waters to the tropical equator. Most dolphins are oceanic, but a few live in rivers.

Apart from schooling fishes, dolphins also feed on a wide range of other prey species like squids, eels, shrimps and other crustaceans and invertebrates (including cephalopods). In the Mediterranean, bottlenose dolphins can grow to 3.7 m (12 ft.) or more.

Their dorsal fin is usually dark grey, with a prominent curved back. Like the name “bottlenose” suggests, this species of dolphin has a short, stubby beak.