Patel, K. and D. Pee 2011. Spawned in spring ending its year-long life. Accessed […] Hotaru ika (firefly squid), braised pumpkin fish ball. The mollusks, known as firefly squid (Watasenia scintillans), spend the majority of their lives in deeper waters. June 21, 2011 During this time, the squid can be seen gathering in large numbers in Toyama Bay in Japan. Accessed Firefly squids is also considered a delicacy in Japan.Early in the morning, after 3 AM, sightseeing boats depart the Namerikawa fishing port (Namerikawa is also home to the world's only museum dedicated to the firefly squid) in Toyama prefecture, making a short journey to fixed nets located about 1 to 2 km offshore. As the fishermen haul in their nets, the light emitted by the firefly squid causes the sea surface to glow a cobalt blue, evoking squeals of delight from the tourists.The lights from thousands of firefly squid can flash in unison or alternated in an endless number of animated patterns. Are they good for photos right now ?

The embryonic lobe covers about half of the egg in a day and a half.

I am not sure where EXACTLY to go, Can i just go to any beach in the Toyama Bay or is there a certain area to see them ? After my early morning tour to see the quid, I headed to Namerikawa’s commercial seafood market, located 300m across the small marina from the museum, where I watched the firefly squid being rapidly auctioned off, quickly loaded into trucks and shipped across Japan. Normally living at 1200 feet underwater, waves in the Toyama bay pushes the squid to the surface in massive numbers where they are fished by tons from March to June. Season: March through May. at.Dahlgren, U. Please help, email:,"Toyama bay pushes the squid to the surface in massive numbers where they are fished by tons from March to June.

This glow may be used to threaten enemies, communicate with friends, or, perhaps, to lure food in. "Watasenia scintillans" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web.

In season from March to June, Hotaru ika is a small, super tender little squid that is typically boiled and served with Sumiso, a yellowish sauce that often includes miso, sake, mirin, vinegar, and sugar. When the doctor was investigating where the species lives, he heard there lives squid emitting lights in Toyama Prefecture and started studying and named the species as 「firefly squid」as it emits beautiful lights as fireflies.Emission from firefly squid occurs from activation of light emission substance and light emission enzyme.The emission occurs in the same mechanism as that of fire flies or insects, but the structure of emitting substances and enzymes are somewhat different.Sighting of large school of firefly squid is limited to Toyama Bay near Namerikawa.They live in the deep sea as deep as 200 to 400 meters deep in the deep sea in day time and surface near the land for spawning.Sighting of schools of firefly squid is said to have relationship of grating bowl terrain and ocean current (upward current ascending from the bottom).“The sea area of firefly squid, flocking together” is designated as the natural monument.The longevity of firefly squid is almost one year.

Accessed Please help, Is there a site that monitors this and updates the locations of the Squid. "Travel Guide Toyama" (On-line).

Purchasing Information: True World Foods. This is the world's largest ocean, covering about 28% of the world's surface.having coloration that serves a protective function for the animal, usually used to refer to animals with colors that warn predators of their toxicity. Zahau likes Firefly Squid. ("Firefly Squid", 2010) Key Reproductive Features; seasonal breeding It is a tiny little squid that is red in color and available mainly during night time. Distributed the waters around this country centering in the Japan Sea and normally in the deep sea as deep as 200 to 600 meters.In the old times, firefly squid is used to be called “matsuia”. Like their firefly namesakes, these sparkling squid emit a blue bioluminescent glow. There are many foods which tells us “Spring has come!”.Hotaru Ika is very tiny squid.

I want to rent a car in Tokyo and drive to Toyama Bay, I am not interested in going on a boat and seeing them catch them but I am interested in taking photos of them on the beach. I was instead drawn to the fresh sushi, for which Toyama Bay is revered throughout Japan.