Use the tabs to explore Global Trends and Case Studies. Free resources to assist you with your university studies! This has enabled better planning and organization of events and eliminated the need for generating large volumes of paper reports or storage. These additional contexts are explored below with definitions provided by leaders in that particular field. 18th Apr 2017 From the financial perspective adoption of the standard is seen to reduce costs, eliminate wastes and create savings on energy. Twenty countries are actively involved in the development process including New Zealand. Those who do not participate will be left behind and seriously disadvantaged in the competitive market place. The 2010 Winter Olympic Games held in Vancouver Canada was a great international event but it equally left behind a lot of infrastructure and facilities that would be of benefit to the public post the games i.e.
Involve your contractors. Tourism An example being where energy is an identified issue, an appropriate sustainability mitigation strategy might be developing procedures that would reduce the carbon footprint. This will improve chances of winning new contracts and awards as business move towards increased concepts of sustainability and environmentally friendly projects. can lighten your lift and your budget. ISO 20121 will have been designed and developed in extensive consultation with stakeholders in the events industry. “It is the management system operated by an organisation to deliver its event related activities that is certified and not the event” (SEC). BS8901 has received wide acclaim from a number of early sponsors in the events industry i.e. The sustainable event trend opens up the door for event planners and businesses to change the way we operate. 5 Steps to Solve Your Event’s Sustainability Challenges, Environmental Responsibility for Events: How to Go Paperless, Ridesharing Trends & Statistics: Why Millennials Love Lyft for Events, The Ultimate Event Advertising Plan for Busy Event Creators. There is also the question of getting ahead of your competition. Share your efforts with your guests to make it known you are being intentional about how you create community in today’s climate. These constraints have been notified to ISO 20121 which is expected to resolve these difficulties in the reading and interpretation of the standard. One of the important factors being that of long term sustainability in the urban planning of the Olympic Games. The trends demonstrate the need for companies to identify how these issues interact and the connections between them: the role that biodiversity, especially nurturing soil and forest health, plays in reducing carbon emissions; conservation that increases climate resilience; how the circular economy — keeping materials in use — can reduce emissions and plastic pollution; and the collaboration that is needed to ensure that advances in digital technology yield positive outcomes for all stakeholders. Another issue concerning sustainability is that it is mostly portrayed in terms of a one dimensional though process i.e. The SEA recognised this and approached Standards Australia to encourage our participation level to move from ‘O’ (observer) status to ‘P’ (participating) status” (sustainable event). Hence using the London Olympic Games as an example it is mainly concerned with the hosting of that event and the impact to the UK inn terms of economic growth. For instance, consider: 50% of creators are already riding this wave. Another important aspect of the standard is that it requires the organisation to clearly define the scope of how it complies with the standard.

Consider how you can: Ensure your food, drinks, and swag rely less on plastic packaging, Work with food and drink vendors that display a commitment to sustainable practices, Encourage public transport and carpooling, to get special codes for guests to ride share, Pre-arrange carpooling or bus transport to and from the venue, Provide details for public transportation to reduce the need for guests to drive, Check that your venues have policies for energy efficiency, recycling, and waste minimization, Organize waste stations into separate bins for compost, recyclables, and trash (and label them clearly! Streamline everybody’s event day with e-tickets that are easy to scan and simple to keep up with.