It’s not feminism if one gender is not noticed. However, popular feminism is not without limitations.

Men look at women. Women under the age of 24 are at higher risk of HIV because they have an immature genital tract that can tear easily during sex. (10) Ibid Feminism in Africa needs to be reinvented as it is still a ‘movement without cohesion.’ On the one hand, African feminism has failed to achieve a gender consensus, that is, between African men and women about its agenda and causes (10). Or being forced to stay at home and look after the house just because you’re a woman? We are the only ones who can set our priorities and agenda. Girls and boys should be given the same responsibilities and learn to meet equal challenges so that they both know that they are capable of achieving anything they want.

As Okome writes, “African women, like any other group, are able to articulate their needs, evaluate the alternative courses of action, and mobilise for collective action where necessary.
Given that a uniquely African feminism is lacking and so necessary, it is important to observe how the idea of feminism operates in the African context and to what extent it is effective. The sooner we fully understand what it means, the quicker our efforts towards making equal opportunities available for both males and females. (p.57) This article is republished here with permission from Consultancy Africa Intelligence (CAI), a South African-based research and strategy firm with a focus on social, health, political, and economic happenings in Africa. As long as you believe that both men and women should be given equal opportunities, then you believe in feminism. Women also emphasise how they ‘fought in the trenches’ right beside the men during the liberation movements; yet the post-colonial state has relegated them to the role of nurturers and limited their role in governance (20). Popular feminism thus often rallies for gender equality based on the notion of African women’s historically important and influential role in food production and the day to day running of pre-colonial society. Alternatively, visit to take advantage of CAI’s free, no obligation, 3-month trial to the company’s Standard Report Series. Feminism has nothing to do with how you dress or how much make-up you wear.

They are restricted simply based on their gender. You can still enjoy your femininity while being a feminist. So in order for equality between men and women to be achieved, more women need to be empowered and protected. In the paintings of Manuela Sambo, a different dynamic is represented. Intellectual feminism is usually promoted by urban and educated African women (12). Palgrave.

It’s never the rape victim’s fault chomas!

Did you find this article helpful? Feminism in South Africa concerns the organised efforts to improve the rights of the girls and women of South Africa. Although this assumption sounds reasonable, reality seems to contradict it. Both strands of feminism are important and relevant. (15) Ibid They also put themselves at risk of contracting HIV as these sugar daddies often have multiple sexual partners.

(8) Okome, M.O. (5) Nnaemeka, O. These are “a firm commitment to gender equality, a painful awareness that such equality is far from achieved, and a continuing desire to work toward such equality.” (3), As a movement, feminism has mobilised for reproductive rights, affordable health care and improved working conditions amongst many other causes (4). For more information see or When a woman has been raped, how many times have we heard the blame being put on the victim and not the perpetrator? When so-called African feminism reflects condescending Western attitudes, it alienates the bulk of African women who are rooted in the cultures that form part of their lived experience. African feminist Nnaemeka (5) states, “The issue of balance is neglected in the one dimensional Western constructions of African women - usually poor and powerless.