The world's largest Fancy Vivid Pink. All Rights Reserved. The Unnamed Brown as originally named, the Golden Jubilee, 24.78-carat (4.956 g) A 24.78-carat Fancy Intense Pink diamond and, until the sale of the Sweet Josephine diamond in November 2015, it was the most expensive jewel ever sold at auction.

It was also displayed at the Natural History Museum in London. The CTF PINK STAR, a 59.60-carat oval mixed-cut pink diamond, is the largest Internally Flawless Fancy Vivid Pink diamond that the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) has ever graded. A diamond is a solid form of the element carbon with its atoms arranged in a crystal structure called diamond cubic. Weights 140.64 carats (28.128 g), is cushion-shaped stellar brilliant cut, formerly belonging to, A shield-shaped pale yellow diamond currently in the. a 100.10-carat (20.020 g) pear-shaped D-color, Internally Flawless stone.

1度目のオークションで落札され、落札者が支払いできないなんてことがあるなんて、なかなか聞いたことのないお話ですよね!しかし、逆に「大富豪でも支払いのできなかったダイヤモンド」と箔がついたかもしれませんね!今後も素晴らしい宝石がオークションに出品されるでしょうし、逐一ご紹介できたらと思っています!, スカイブルーダイヤモンドが11月のサザビースオークションに登場!【オークション情報】. a 111.59-carat (22.318 g) pear-shaped diamond with a strong coffee-like brown color.

Related: The high stakes life of a top auctioneer. The most important diamond sales usually take place in Geneva. Trilliant cut black diamond purchased in 2011. Whereabouts unknown. Diamond has the highest hardness and thermal conductivity of any natural material, properties that are utilized in major industrial applications such as cutting and polishing tools. While a simple golf set costs between Rs 80,000 and 1 lakh, a bespoke set costs between Rs 4 lakh and Rs 2 crore. Cushion cut weighing 184.5 carats (36.90 g) also known as, Cushion cut weighing 2.08 carats (416 mg). ピンクダイヤモンド (PINK DIAMOND) ピンクダイヤモンドは、若い女性に大変人気のある石で、非常に貴重な宝石です。 鉱物名 炭素 和名 金剛石(ダイヤモンド) 化学組成 C 誕生石 4月 結晶系 等軸晶系(立方晶系) 硬度 10 比重 3.52 宝石 Originally in charge of Earth's colonization, she took the form of a Rose Quartz after her fellow Diamonds refused to allow … The discovery was made by Pastor Emmanuel Momoh in an artisanal mine in the village of Koyadu in eastern Kono district in 2017, Pear-shaped pink diamond set in the forehead of, Mogul cut, 312 carats (62.4 g), the world's largest cut. "Not only was the price more than double the previous record for a fancy vivid pink diamond, but it was also a new record for any work ever sold at auction in Asia," Sotheby's said in a statement. Pink Diamond was a Homeworld Gem and a member of the Great Diamond Authority that continued to rule over the Gem race in her absence. Found in Brazil in 1853. Possibly a large colorless topaz. Perhaps the largest fancy vivid blue, weighing 27.64 carats (5.528 g). A giant pink diamond has become the most expensive jewel ever sold at auction, fetching $71.2 million at Sotheby's in Hong Kong on Tuesday. Was a stone originally 601 carats (120.2 g) with the largest stone 71.73 carats (14.346 g) after cutting. An emerald-cut of 43.38 carats (8.676 g), previously a triangular brilliant of about 80 carats. 1人でも多くの方に宝石の魅力、ジュエリーの美しさ素晴らしさを共有いただければ幸いです。 A display of 296 diamonds of natural colors. そしてその後、上にも紹介した通り2013年に最初のオークションが行われ、史上最高額で落札されたと話題になりました。しかし、落札者が支払い不能に陥り、一度は不調に終わりましたが、その後は2017年4月に再オークションの流れになって再度史上最高額で落札されるという話題に事欠かないダイヤモンドなんです!, ピンクスターは、米国宝石学会(GIA)が鑑定し、インターナリーフローレスとファンシービビッドの等級を持つピンクダイヤモンドの中で最大の物とされています。その形状は、眩いばかりの光を放つオーバルカットで縦2.69cm、横2.06cm、重さは11.92gと「無傷のものとしては最大」と評価されています。, 今回は史上最高額で2度も落札された巨大ピンクダイヤモンド『ピンクスター』のオークション情報に関してご紹介しました。 The final price was 553 million Hong Kong dollars, including the buyer’s premium, or auction house charge.

[2], Diamonds have been treasured as gemstones since their use as religious icons in ancient India. The RIL chairman's Altamount road home was adorned with flowers and lights for the occasion. 31.06 carats (6.212 g), Fancy Deep Blue, cushion modified brilliant. Clocking in at 59.60 carats, the Pink Star was the largest polished diamond ever to go on the auction block.

At 203.04 carats (40.608 g), this is the second-largest colorless (. hide caption. 's lab data); Perhaps the largest fancy vivid orange diamond (5.54 carats), modified cushion-shaped brilliant. Formerly known as the Steinmetz Pink, and the Pink Star. Copyright © 2020 Bennett, Coleman & Co. Ltd. All rights reserved. As Cullinan I, it is also in the British crown jewels located in the Imperial State Crown, The third largest stone obtained from Cullinan diamond. Steve Martin tickled the Berlin Film Festival with comedy caper "Pink Panther 2", keeping alive the bumbling Inspector Clouseau almost 30 years after the death of original star Peter Sellers. India’s diamond kings–the biggest players in the Rs 70,000 crore diamond industry–are relatively as obscure as their products are glittering.