I was directionless vis a vis my career. We have to go to college not because they can help us get to the anticipated vision as they claim, but they have a meeting ground for men of like minds. You can do whatever you want in college; your parents pay your bills; and you can hang with close friends whenever you want. I’m making good money now, but at what cost? You may not even wait to graduate from the traditional College before you enroll in a content writing and Marketing Classes online.I bet you, you’ll have time than any other career Profession in the World. keep an open mind maybe change your major and freshman credits ive heard are pretty dull. It's been one year and three months since I started and I've never felt more lonely, sad, and pathetic in … I lost opportunities because of my indecision, which was nothing new, but now, it actually mattered.By the time I chose an organization, it was too late. He had a crew of electricians , plumbers and carpenters under him . I wasn’t nearly competitive enough. That’s what people would kill for.The idea that students and professors sit around and muse about the meaning of life is a lie. The First 2 Things to Do If You Hate College: Elle.com. Check out a world where there is no food. In fact, people like this make me even more stressed out than I have to be. It's the professor's job to talk to those who don't understand the material before class, after class, or during office hours. keep an open mind maybe change your major and freshman credits ive heard are pretty dull.Stay on top of the information you need to navigate the admissions process amid the COVID-19 pandemic. None of the potential friendships ever stuck. I was successful in College because I made friends that were more like me.We shared our thoughts, we argued the future, we designed our own College curriculum, We now knew what college was for.At free Lecture hours, we developed our new system. I love Graphics Designing which was not a career I opted to pursue in College. Both are married with families and homes in the suburbs .

I Hate College! Can I Stay A job without a College Degree? Escape at the office for your school paper! They made a striking point of the percentage of students that have made it through the program in the previous years and He stressed that these settings will not be anything different.I will say in the other hand that my Academic pursuit never made me stop working on my dreams to own a tech company.

The college has a Stereotypic system that keeps the mindsets of students from seeing the future they dreamt of. Is your roommate making your dorm-life terrible? And who knows? So a massive amount of people want a bite at the apple and like pointed out probably 75% of these dumb bunnies have no business being there. I was lucky to attend UVA, yes, and I learned a great deal both in and out of the classroom; however, cut-throat competition hid under a veil of personal growth and intellectual discovery, which never lifted.It’s perfectly acceptable to hate college, and it’s not a crime to admit it to yourself. I didn’t know how to study.I needed structure to survive. He was a general contractor and very successful . I followed my computer passion hard daily before I could apply for college Education.Though I Studied Daily and I Practiced as my life depended on it. Consequently, I looked standoffish and uninterested in developing friendships. They told me I was “gifted” when all I actually did was make decent grades because I was terrified to make anything less.The rejection I experienced in college caused me to isolate myself, but more than that, it made me feel like a heaping pile of squandered potential.As a newly-minted small fish, I did not know how to find worth outside of good grades or identity outside of academic organizations even when I didn’t give two shits about them.I spent most of my time figuring out who I really wanted to be, and when I realized it wasn’t what UVA was trying to make me, I alienated myself to the detriment of my short-term mental health but to the benefit of my long-term mental health (which I would not realize until after graduation).These growing pains ultimately made me ok with not being “special.” I was fine with my adequacy.