The possibilities are endless when it comes to history, and there’s no shortage of inspiration for whatever your purpose: political, personal, creative, etc.What’s also awesome about history is the way it broadens our horizons. But it is best to gain access to the ideas and evidence of History as an integral part of normal education.The broad span of human experience, viewed both in depth and longitudinally over time, is the subject of History as a field of study.Noting two weak arguments in favour of studying History,The repentance of Henry Ford: History is not bunk. History repeats itself, as the saying goes. That history begins long before the coinage of the word tourist at the end of the 18th century. Believing everything you hear, or having the power to criticize and empathize on your own accord?Finally, history is important because it is a long, nearly endless collection of stories, lessons, and philosophies to learn. The people of the past are those who came before us, and it is interesting to see how some of the thoughts, attitudes, and practices of today can differ so drastically from those throughout history. Their own capacity to understand language has been nurtured in the past, and, if they remember and repeat what they are learning, they are helping to transmit (and, if needs be, to adapt) a living language from the past into the future.Education is not 'just' concerned with teaching specific tasks but it entails forming and informing the whole person, for and through the experience of living through time.Learning the French language is a valuable human enterprise, and not just for people who live in France or who intend to travel to France. In its definition of the humanities, Congress includes: Archaeology Comparative Religion Ethics History Languages & Linguistics Literature Jurisprudence Philosophy History, Theory, and Criticism of the Arts Aspects of the Social Sciences Which Use Historical or Philosophical Approach Humanities, General and …

For example, the American housing market bust of 2008 can be compared to Black Monday of 1929.

Here is a quick look at 10 reasons why history is important to us. Studying the historical array of events and individuals who lived in the past with diverse characters and behaviors helps us gain lessons on life issues and skills. Which brings us back to our original question:History is an important and interesting field of study because it grounds each and every one of us in our roots. (,"History not used is nothing, for all intellectual life is action, like practical life, and if you don't use the stuff well, it might as well be dead. Without informed thought, the same mistakes are made repeatedly and the same solutions continue to evolve. It is almost as if we are doomed to destroy ourselves.Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it.The main reason to study history is so that you find out all of the facts for yourself. (,"History, Stephen said, is a nightmare from which I am trying to awake." However, this is only one benefit. Lastly, studying history is essential for good citizenship as it helps people to be loyal to their country through patriotism.History is the foundation of newer generations if it is documented. We can embrace the reflection (good and bad) and be stronger for it, or we can turn away from our reflection, denying we ever existed at all. For example, a would-be voyager to France, intending to work in that country, can readily identify the utility of learning the French language. Although this list is not exhaustive of all of the benefits of knowing your history, the last one that I will mention is the ability to be a Jeopardy champ! By learning about the causes and effects of events in history, people can learn better ways to deal with conflict among nations and individuals. This knowledge of how societies function helps us run our own lives. "A people who do not know their history are fated to repeat it. Neither of these options can be undertaken well without understanding the context and starting points. A history is a chronicle of events, like the history of the United States’ mission to put a man on the moon, or the world history class that you have to memorize all those dates for. For instance, the first phase is characterized by the question "How can we eat?" But someone who has studied the Middle East might have a deeper and more empathetic outlook on the cultures that exist there.What sounds better to you?

Fear and hatred for others is usually caused by ignorance.