yes, on the eyes of the beholder is very relevant…. But it seems like it comes in bouts too. I’ll keep trying to make good things happen any ways, even with bad luck. Prayer, life coach, finance coach, applying for jobs, thinking positive, therapy, psychiatric care, meditation, working out, meetings with others , talking to others close to me, I volunteer, just anything and I’m stuck. It always seems like in any situation if there is a possibility of a shitty outcome, it will find me. I’m freaking cursed and am trying to figure out how to break the damn curse,i need help seriously! Next up, I get a wrongful traffic ticket because a truck was in my way and i was in the intersection while the light was yellow, but the cop stopped me because I moved forward thinking I ran a red light (my car was in the intersection before it was red). Doing so causes problems in life that are created by the moon. “OH NOOOO!

My mom does that too. Everything looks brighter after a good sleep and an early start.Turn over a new leaf, start writing a new chapter in the book of your life.Make a commitment right now to not let bad luck dictate your life and lead you passively into more of the same.Turn the corner now and make it happen.

My husband just diagnosed with a terminal illness…. I tired.

I’m desperate I need help. But like wealth, bad luck is relative.Your version of bad luck might be someone else's version of a pretty normal day.By and large, unless you die, or someone you know dies, or is diagnosed with some horrible illness, there is usually someone far worse off than yourself.That truth, in itself, is usually enough to kick you into positive action and take control of your direction.But rather than letting go of the bad luck and moving on with a positive mindset that.We stop moving forward and begin looking backwards. i do believe in destiney. !I don’t believe in karma, or negative energy attracting negative energy, I’ve had positive energy for 25 years, no matter what happens I’m still happy and hopeful. Ever since I started doing something on my own and not working for someone else bad luck just keeps coming and I don’t know how to deal with it I hope this year gonna end soon and will see hows it gonna be in the future,The thing is that I have already mapped out things to make things better.

I’m 76 and my wife is 72 so you can see this isn’t a move of convenience. It’s the only way you can think, or you just give up – usually way to early before you see signs of success. Bad luck is an unpredictable outcome that is unfortunate.

Although I suffer from consequence of cancer treatment, it must be a luck that I am alive.

You gotta fight it. Mind you all of these events occurred within either days, weeks and all together months. Keep pushing forward and believe in yourself. to be alive. I literally did everything. Then they didn’t want to pay for the shipping to send it back, even though it was their mistake. I was in extreme pain for a week and was diagnosed with pelvic inflammatory disease because an std an ex gave me came back.The article was obviously written in very good intentions however life doesn’t work that way. No puzzle will make a perfect picture without all of the pieces and nether will a project. Can’t make a decision. Most women in the past were nothing at all like today, which is why finding love was very easy back then.

Everyday is a new problem, even my friends are like Wow. Focus on your journey. We spent a whole day clearing stuff from my ex’s mother’s house (when she was away for the night) and we barely made a difference.