Mercury retrograde is a phrase that can send most of us into panic and fear, even if you’re not all that into astrology. Are Learning Platforms Like Skillshare Worth Your Time? So when Mercury goes retrograde, you can expect misunderstandings, technology failures and in general, some roadblocks in life.

Depending on the planet, the spaces between retrograde periods can range from a few months to a few years.

Mercury retrograde will hit the following fixed stars on its journey:. This weekly astrology review has two planetary ingresses, which means that two… Read More ». To name just a few: Head of the United States Supreme Court John Roberts misspeaking while administering the oath of office at Barack Obama’s inauguration for his first term as President on January 20, 2009. Please see our Privacy Notice for details of your data protection rights. If you're feeling like you made a mistake, now is a great time to forgive yourself. In mythology, Mercury is the messenger and therefore one of the main effects of Mercury being in retrograde is messages getting lost in translation. During the Retrograde period, the planet Mercury appears to be moving backward from Earth.

Soon most popular magazines began to include these horoscopes in each of their issues.

Each time a planet goes retrograde, it happens in a different astrological sign, and that has some meaning attached to it. A minority may already have experiencing difficulties in the weeks preceding the Retrograde period. Retrograde happens to all visible planets.

Roberts’s mistake led Obama to recite it incorrectly. During this perceived backward motion, the things the retrograding planet is associated with are cut loose—as its parent is no longer "on track."

This was the beginning of the daily horoscopes we all know and love (or scoff at) today. For instance, your exercise routine may be thrown off by your wireless headphones dying. Astrology fans will spot the signs that the first planet from the sun is appearing to move backwards from its orbit. Things break.

That press conference happened on the day that Mercury actually stationed retrograde. The planet Mercury rules communication, travel, contracts, automobiles, and such.

Simply put, Mercury retrograde describes an optical illusion during which the planet only appears to be moving backward from our viewpoint on Earth. The term “retrograde” is defined as directed or moving backwards. Other things that happen while Mercury is in retrograde include falling out with friends and loved ones, disrupted travel, getting lost, emails and letters going missing and just a general misfortune befalling you. And the great news is that you have a philosophical, reflective nature that helps you deal with negative energy better, so you may be better equipped to deal with Mercury retrograde than the rest of us. Ms Stardust explained: ”Leos say things without speaking and they're very nonchalant about the truthfulness of their pride.

Wallowing on negative energy only makes it that much more prevalent. In reality, of course, your computer could crash on any day of the year. These stars are considered very spiritual and give the ability to prophecy. If you don’t believe in horoscopes, however, you might be wondering: “What in the f**k kind of Harry Potter spell just came out of that person’s mouth?”. If you are a Mercury retrograde baby, lucky you! Mercury Retrograde is a transitin which the planet Mercury slows to a point that it appears to move backwards. This planet's reputation for really screwing things up is real, but it's also due to the fast-paced lifestyle we're so used to living.

Areas in which people generally prosper may suddenly appear to to be clouded with surprisingly difficulty.