The premier of British Columbia is the first minister, head of government, and de facto chief executive for the Canadian province of British Columbia. Please read our statement of Privacy Practices before commenting to understand how we collect and use submissions to the Cascadia Advocate. LANGFORD, B.C.—Premier John Horgan called an early election Monday, saying British Columbia needs stability during the COVID-19 pandemic as … If you submit any links to other websites in your comment or in the Website field, these will be published at our discretion. Premier John Horgan's recent comments about a … Here’s what to…, Stimulus check money: How much could the next payment bring? However, the NDP's relationship with the Greens has cooled in the past three years. Last Updated: Monday, September 21, 2020 17:16. Box 500 Station A Toronto, ON Canada, M5W 1E6. John Horgan was sworn in as Premier of British Columbia on July 18, 2017. The NDP has chosen the pursuit of power over the health and safety of British Columbians.”. The NDP have been the province’s reform­ers, from insti­tut­ing gov­ern­ment auto insur­ance to pro­tect­ing farm­land to vast­ly expand­ing B.C.‘s provin­cial parks. Former B.C. (CNN) — Craig Foster was diving, bare-chested, in bitterly cold waters off the southern-most tip of Africa when he saw her -- an octopus... Get the Top News delivered straight to your inbox. At times, as with Hor­gan, a minor­i­ty par­ty sup­plies votes that keep a gov­ern­ment in pow­er.

He said Horgan's popularity in the polls is running high but he questions whether it will remain that way as the pandemic continues. Comments on this story are moderated according to our Submission Guidelines. We’ve accomplished a lot in the last 3 1/2 years. British Columbia has had 35 individuals serve as premier since joining Confederation, of which 14 individuals had no party affiliation, three were Conservatives, eight were Liberals, four were Socreds, and six were New Democrats.

“Today, John Horgan chose politics over people,”, Arctic sea ice shrinks to 2nd lowest level in 42 years, Provincial challenges of federal carbon tax at Supreme Court today. There are some criticisms to Horgan’s decision to call an election in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic. Any par­ty that wins a major­i­ty of seats gets to form the gov­ern­ment and its leader becomes pre­mier, Canada’s equiv­a­lent of the posi­tion of gov­er­nor. British Colum­bia Pre­mier John Hor­gan has called a snap elec­tion for Octo­ber 24th, hop­ing his pop­u­lar­i­ty will pro­pel the left-lean­ing New Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty to a major­i­ty of seats in the B.C. Thank you for read­ing The Cas­ca­dia Advo­cate, the North­west Pro­gres­sive Insti­tute’s jour­nal of world, nation­al, and local pol­i­tics. We can either delay that decision and create uncertainty and instability over the next 12 months, more speculation, […] or we can do what I always believe is the right thing and ask British Columbians what they think.”. Lieutenant Governor Janet Austin and she granted his request to dissolve the legislature. And if it rolls out really well, then he could get credit for that in the election. Premier and provincial New Democratic Party (NDP) Leader John Horgan called a snap election on Monday. The Hor­gan gov­ern­ment has won wide­spread sup­port for clos­ing off British Colum­bia, despite dire con­se­quences to the province’s tourism indus­try. The gov­ern­ment has used the COVID-19 pan­dem­ic to urge its cit­i­zens to stay at home and expe­ri­ence their own province. We will not publish or share your email address. Lib­er­al Par­ty forty-three seats. "You know full well that the Green caucus today is not the Green caucus of three years ago," he said. A smokescreen and a big lie: Trump, climate deniers try to explain away our record fires, Bob Ferguson, Maura Healey lead multi-state legal challenge to block Arctic Refuge drilling, DNR fire meteorologist horrified by barrage of (human caused) Labor Day 2020 fire disasters. english@rcinet.caPosted: Monday, September 21, 2020 17:01 He also questioned how voters will feel heading to polling stations during a global pandemic. As with gov­er­nors in the Unit­ed States’ pre­miers in Canada’s ten provinces have seen their pop­u­lar­i­ty soar dur­ing the COVID-19 pan­dem­ic. Israel reports nearly 7,000 new Covid-19 cases in highest single-day spike, Italian referee Daniele De Santis and his girlfriend Eleonora Manta stabbed to death…, Kyle Rittenhouse's attorney releases new footage of shootings, Airlines plead for Covid tests at airports to save industry, Captain Sir Tom Moore MOVIE announced: Tom Hardy, Benedict Cumberbatch favourites…, James Martin shames Holly Willoughby after 'appalling' personal revelation, Bethesda's Doom re-releases get their first official total conversion mod, Tamron Hall denies she 'ambushed' Stassi Schroeder during tell-all interview, Holding Hands! The majority of the time, the leader of the political party with the most elected Members of Legislative Assembly (MLAs) in the province becomes the Premier. He fell in love with an octopus and visited her for... Fortnite update 14.20 PATCH NOTES: Server downtime, Wolverine, Rocket League event, BTS, Kaia Gerber and Jacob Elordi EXCLUSIVE: The couple models swimsuits, Dancing With the Stars 2020 Sends Its First Celeb Home, People who can afford exciting experiences believe they have lived longer, study reveals, Scientists confirm the Spinosaurus was a ‘water-dwelling, river monster’, Nadia Sawalha hits back as ITV announcer makes epic error ‘Really worried about that’, Let's Get Real!

British Columbians are going to the polls next month after B.C. Premier Horgan calls snap election for October 24 ... to secure a majority for his NDP government in British Columbia.