Dolphins and Porpoises: A Worldwide Guide.Sterling Publishing Co.: New York, NY. 1. Their bodies are dark gray on the back and sides, fading to a pinkish white belly underneath. The Lives of Whales and Dolphins.Henry Holt & Co.: New York, NY. 1985. Breeding groups are usually composed of mothers and their calves. Martin, Anthony R., et al. 1993. Bonner, W. Nigel. Quale, Louise. An orca harpooned off the coast of British Columbia in 1964 survived the ordeal and gave people a chance to learn of the animal's charm and intelligence, moderating the species' killer reputation. Their coloring is most distinctive: the back is black to the middle of the tail stock; the flanks display an hourglass pattern of yellowish ochre and light gray, blending to grayish white along the sides of the tail. Spinner dolphins are the acrobats of the ocean. Sierra Club Books: San Francisco, CA. They are probably the most abundant species of delphinids throughout the world; however, some stocks have been depleted to the point of risk because of the activities of fisheries in the Black Sea, off the coast of west Africa, and in the Eastern Tropical Pacific.

The fishermen apparently can alert the dolphins to feeding time by slapping the water with sticks as a cue for food. The short-finned variety is found most often in tropical and sub-tropical areas, while the long-finned pilot whale seems to prefer more temperate and sub-polar waters and is essentially a deep ocean species. Encounters with Whales and Dolphins. Research on Dolphins.Oxford University Press: Walton Street, Oxford OX2 6DP. Abundant populations are located in Florida's coastal waters and in the Gulf of Mexico. The Risso's dolphin's blunt, squarish head shape, indistinct beak, and characteristic white scarring characterize this species (Reeves et al 2002). 1991. 1991. 2000. 1986. MS Thesis, Duke University. The dolphins herd mullet to the shallows where native fishermen wait with gill nets to trap the fish. 1989. Dolphins tend to be very social animals, swimming in social groupings called pods. The World’s Whales. Dolphins are very tactile creatures and seem to express affection through such varied behaviors as raking each other with their teeth or gentle stroking. Voyager Press: Stillwater, MN. These groups, however, are very flexible and fluid, not at all like the social unit we refer to as a family. Other, more unusual, methods also have been noted by researchers. Both inshore and deep water, pelagic populations are well known throughout this area, including the Mediterranean Sea, the Persian Gulf, and the Red and Black Seas. Cetacean Societies: Field Studies of Dolphins and Whales. If you’re looking for information about a species, try The natural diet of the bottlenose dolphin seems to vary according to its home region. The preferred food of a particular species or stock depends on its physiological feeding apparatus, the ecology of the area in which it is located (water temperature, terrain, depth), and the feeding behaviors practiced by that group.

Bottlenose dolphins are also common throughout the Indian Ocean from the coasts of India and Sri Lanka to the southern tips of South Africa and New Zealand. Evans, Peter G.H. Dolphins have long been known for their playful characteristics. Summer Wild Production: Vancouver, Canada. Hourglass Dolphin Facts Firstly, the remarkable Hourglass Dolphin remains an extremely rarely encountered variety of cetacean. Their bodies are stocky yet short in length (less than 6 ft) and from the few t… Juveniles engage in courtship behaviors long before sexual maturity, chasing each other, stroking, swimming belly to belly, and touching flippers. Tinker, Spencer W. 1988. Although bottlenose dolphins were once commonly seen in the coastal waters of the northeast Atlantic, populations along the English Channel coasts seem to have declined. Pilot whales feed mostly on squid and octopus; however, they will also feed on schooling fish when more readily available. What do hourglass dolphins look like?

1993. Check out these fun dolphin facts for kids. Diet may indirectly determine the size of a pod. Wynne, Kate, Malia Schwartz, 1999, Marine Mammals & Turtles of the US Atlantic & Gulf of Mexico , Rhode Island Sea Grant. Dolphins at Grassy Key. Fawcett Crest: New York, NY. Wells, and S.D. This animal favors cold offshore waters, rarely appearing at the seashore. Coffey, D. J.

Scientists have identified approximately 84 species of toothed whales, ranging in size from the 60-foot sperm whale to the five-foot harbor porpoise. Scientific Name: (Globicephala macrorhynchus and G. melas-melaena). Due to public pressure and subsequent changes in policy by major tuna companies in recent years, many tuna fishing fleets worked to reduce incidental bycatch of these dolphins.

Seasons of the Whale. This species lives in warm temperate and tropical waters around the world and may be found in both coastal and pelagic waters. Therefore, a very hard decision was made to take the website offline in February 2019. Common dolphins feed mostly on squid, sardines, anchovies, and herring. Doak, Wade. Orcas are found in temperate and polar waters, both coastal and offshore. 1989. Populations located in the inshore waters of New Guinea and northern Australia often share their range with the Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin, while offshore populations are often seen associating with pilot whales. They also reproduce like other mammals, and the … One of the more fascinating things about dolphins and their larger whale relatives is that these creatures are not fish, they’re marine mammals. IUCN: Switzerland and England. Sumich. Innes, W.S. At times, individuals may dive down and herd a school of fish upwards by swimming around and under them, tightening the circle until the fish are forced to the surface where the rest of the pod is waiting to feed.