He decided to start writing thank-you notes when his life was at an all-time low. Besides feeling blue during the winter, other symptoms of SAD include: To meet the medical criteria for SAD, you must experience these symptoms seasonally for two years. Light therapy boxes aren't regulated, so if you pick one out without the recommendation of a doctor, look for ones that have been tested in peer-reviewed clinical trials and have smooth diffusing screens that filter out UV rays. Invest in warm winter clothing so you’ll be relatively comfortable. BetterHelp online counseling is the better choice vs in-person therapy: ➤ BetterHelp is more affordable & convenient. I recommend checking out the book Woman Code by Alisa Vitti for more on understanding this. The lack of sunlight affects the brain's release of certain hormones that affect how we feel, plus our sleep and appetite patterns. It's also been shown that staying warm can reduce the winter blues by half. It can affect people of any age, including children. But using a dawn simulator is much easier since your “session” is over by the time you get out of bed! He was the first to describe winter depression, to use the term seasonal affective disorder, and to recommend the use of light therapy for its treatment. “I know personally of some people who have had tremendous success with (light therapy), so it really does help alleviate their symptoms,” said O’Connor. ➤ Dramatically improves your concentration, learning, and retention. They don’t look at winter as something to be endured.

SADA is the UK's only registered charity dedicated to SAD. When I had Endometriosis, this book helped me with symptoms and to understand how my body worked on a holistic level. Don’t let what they “should” have been color your feelings after they’re over. Inside your home, choose pale colours that reflect light from outside, and sit near windows whenever you can. There’s a subcategory of winter blues known as post-holiday depression. Just make sure they emit a minimum of 2,500 lux. Iceland is one of the northernmost countries in the world, yet has one of the lowest rates of a serious form of seasonal depression known as seasonal affective disorder (SAD). Having a routine of a small daily walk or weekly workouts can make that bit of a difference. Replace unhealthy processed foods with plenty of vegetables, high-quality protein, and mood-boosting healthy fats like those in nuts, avocados, fatty fish, and coconut in all its forms. Information provided by BeBrainFit.com is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Post-Holiday Depression Coping Strategies, How to Tell Winter Blues from Seasonal Affective Disorder, Natural Antidepressants: 14 Proven Ways to Beat Depression Without Drugs, Serotonin Foods and Better Ways to Boost Your Mood, Benefits of Meditation for Depression: Why It Works So Well, The Role Sugar Plays in Depression and Anxiety, 8 Ways Ginseng Works for Memory and Brain Health, How Acetylcholine Deficiency Impacts Memory. If you live in the northern US, Canada, or Europe, you’re eight times more likely to experience winter blues than those who live in warm and sunny Florida or Mexico. Perhaps the easiest and most effective way to lift yourself out of your funk is to plan something to look forward to.

After a 3-month-long sugar binge, it becomes tough to stop.
One small change consistently is usually far more effective long term than adding in something drastic for a short period when it comes to matters like these in my practice. Light therapy, which uses a special artificial light that mimics the appearance of sunlight, can also help. You can use this time to plan any experience you look forward to, and some of them are free. One of the biggest difficulties during lockdown for many was the isolation element. It’s not hard to see how getting through the holidays can take a toll on your mental well-being. When theories and concepts do not have consensus support of the scientific community, we present both sides of the issue. The actual holidays are short, only a few days out of the year. It was suggested that I use Melatonin pill to help me get to sleep at night. Learn how to manage stress like a therapist. I know this can be hard during the winter months or when in isolation. REVIEW: Why I recommend Focus@Will to boost focus and productivity. wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 39 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. During your session your eyes must be open, so you can use this time to read, eat, chat on the phone, or catch up on work. Melatonin is a naturally occurring hormone that helps you fall asleep at night by making you feel tired.

Please try again. This leads to employees being less productive, socializing less with their co-workers and feeling more overwhelmed. "It could be anything, such as playing bridge, singing, knitting, joining a gym, keeping a journal, or writing a blog. Wear warm clothes and shoes, and aim to keep your home between 18C and 21C (or 64F and 70F degrees). Am I correct? The American Psychiatric Association classifies seasonal affective disorder as a subtype of major depression and its symptoms are similar to those of general depression. Hygge is making its way into other cultures. Find out more from the experts at WebMD. In fact, exercise is one of the most important things you can do to stay happy, not just during the winter, but all year long. (11), For much of North America and Europe, this happens only during the summer months which may explain why an estimated 77% of Americans have subpar levels of vitamin D. (12), Low vitamin D may be responsible for the depression and anxiety some people experience during the winter months.