[…] maximum for drinking water established by the Environmental Protection Agency. The Amish, Who Don't Get Vaccinated, Rarely Get Autism, Cancer, or Heart Disease - Coincidence? **Most doses of these flu vaccines are Thimerosal-preserved.

In this case, thimerosal is added at the end of the production process either to the liquid vaccine itself or—in the case of dry powder vaccines—to the liquid used to dilute the vaccine.

However, the government not only allows but also defends its injection into the population, especially pregnant women and newborn children, as part of influenza vaccines currently recommended by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). […], […] http://traceamounts.com/ten-lies-told-about-mercury-in-vaccines/ […], […] shots is 100 times higher than what the EPA has stated as “safe” for pregnant women to consume. Advocates calling for the removal and ban of the use of mercury are seeking to avoid an impending public health crisis by assuring that, immediately, vaccines are: a) made safer and b) manufactured according to all the current applicable federal safety regulations — not the non-existent drug safety laws of 1929! It is also used as a preservative in some eye, ear and other topical solutions, antivenins, immune globulins and skin test antigens. CDC (United States Center for Disease control and prevention) Forced to Release Proof They Knew Vaccine Preservative Causes Autism. Das kommt aus einer […], […] is that children who receive mercury-containing vaccinations (listed as thimerosal usually) are 27 times more likely to develop autism than those who don’t get those jabs. Methylmercury is NOT present in vaccines but it is in some of the food we eat. The result was a ‘shell game’ which has caused widespread confusion in the public because of press reports declaring, “Since (select a year between 1999 and the present), mercury has been removed from all recommended vaccines for children except for some flu shots.”. From Denmark, for example, a study actually began by counting only children with autism who were institutionalized. – The American Awakening, “Vaccine Spectrum Disorder” is sweeping the nation – is your child suffering from VSD? - The Daily Coin, Transtorno do Espectro da Vacina Está Varrendo a Nação – Seu Filho Sofre Disso? – Survival Stockpile, The Sugar Industry Hid The Effects Of Sugar On The Body For 50 Years! The thimerosal content of vaccines either from the manufacturing process or as preservative can be found at the FDA Web site. | Androids & Cavemen, THE AMISH DON’T GET VACCINATED AND THEY RARELY GET AUTISM, CANCER, OR HEART DISEASE — COINCIDENCE?

Therefore, at the level contained in our vaccines, mercury affects boys disproportionately due to their having higher testosterone levels. Didn’t the Academy of Pediatrics in 1999  recommend removing Thimerosal (mercury) in vaccines only to see it added to flu shots at higher […], […]  WorldMercuryProject.org  DailyMail.co.uk  GlobalNews.ca  TraceAmounts.com  FDA.gov  [PDF] […], […] during “processing.” Even the FDA admits this fact.

This is what creates the ‘4 to 1’ ratio of males to females affected by the level of mercury poisoning in our children that is labeled as autism. It is still widely used in many parts of the world. Take a search in the event you want. A child would have to weigh 550 pounds to safely withstand […], […] estão sendo injetadas com mais de 12 microgramas de mercúrio. – Free Men Don't Ask Permission To Bear Arms, “The Amish, Who Don’t Get Vaccinated, Rarely Get Autism, Cancer, or Heart Disease – Coincidence?” – An Outsider's Sojourn II, Trump Picks Robert F Kennedy Jr To Chair Vaccine Safety Commission | Toptentogo's News Network. (LINK) | Ofthestory, Trastorno del espectro de la vacuna está barriendo la nación ⋆ Eres Viral, Vaccine Spectrum Disorder is Sweeping the Nation – The Conspiracy Files, Monsanto ‘bullied scientists’ and hid weedkiller cancer risk, lawyer tells court – aladdinsmiraclelamp, “Vaccine Spectrum Disorder” is sweeping the nation – is your child suffering from VSD? “Vaccine Spectrum Disorder” is sweeping the nation – is your child suffering from VSD? – DWPExamination. immediately prioritize mercury-free stocks of vaccines and other pharmaceutical products for pregnant women, newborn infants and children; provide “the opportunity of informed consent” and promote product education to individuals about mercury exposure through their pharmaceutical products or vaccines, detailing the known risks of toxicity and Federal Safety Guidelines for exposure to mercury; and.

| YoNews #News, 5 Shocking Facts About Vaccines That Big Pharma Pays Billions to Keep Concealed – The Delgado Protocol For Health, Os Amish, que não são vacinados, raramente têm autismo, câncer ou doença cardíaca – coincidência? One of our visitors lately suggested the following website. The information contained in the NNii Web site should not be used as a substitute for the medical care and advice of your health care provider. With that declaration, and a subsequent one by Eli Lilly staff that Thimerosal has a low order of toxicity for man, even though it killed small animals, Thimerosal was introduced into the drug supply. That comes from a […], […] Lilly , Glaxo e da numerose altre società farmaceutiche. The FDA, passive with regard to safety testing, has never provided the results of appropriate toxicological tests on Thimerosal.

: Daily Sheeple. | The Crazz Files, The Amish Don’t Get Vaccinated and They Rarely Get Autism, Cancer, or Heart Disease — Coincidence? – USSA News | The Tea Party's Front Page, The Amish, who don’t get vaccinated, rarely get autism, cancer, or heart disease – coincidence?

Thimerosal in Vaccines and Neurodevelopmental Outcomes. So, continuing diagnosis rates for autism and other chronic illnesses simply reflect the continuing presence of mercury in the current vaccine supply to the present day. Nonetheless, most seasonal and H1N1 flu shots for pregnant women and young children contain 25 micrograms of mercury in the form of Thimerosal.