I have the facts and I am not going to hand South Africa over to these revolutionaries to do the same to this lovely country. The international sporting community also showed its displeasure with the government's laws. [British] Colonial Laws Validity Acts Nos 28 & 29, 1882. But let me remind the public of the reasons why Mr Mandela is in jail. Native Labour Settlement of Disputes Act No 48, 1953. Everything from investing like Warren Buffett to the Audiobiography of Cyril Ramaphosa. According to this system of social stratification, white citizens had the highest status, followed by Asians and Coloureds, then black Africans. Through eruptions of his fierce temper, he intimidated any challenger. Dave Steward, a senior Foreign Affairs official who accompanied Botha on the visit, recounts that while Botha spoke of "big plans", he did not go beyond presenting them as "strong recommendations" He stressed that the final decision was the President's prerogative. Riotous Assemblies & Criminal Law Amendment Act No 27, 1915. A Marxist-Leninist, he was a long-time leader and theorist in the South African Communist Party (SACP), a leading member of the African National Congress (ANC), and a commander of the ANC's military wing Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK). This was taken as a sign that he was approving of the proposed changes. It is a fallacious belief that the Government must do everything for all. If the Republic of South Africa suffers from economic setbacks, the whole of Southern Africa will pay a heavy price.

Heunis had reported to the president that he could not make progress in getting black leaders to participate in the constitutional forum.
Two days later the ANC leader, Oliver Tambo, issued a call for the masses to make South Africa ungovernable. Botha, whose fierce will had earned him the name "Die Groot Krokodil" (The Great Crocodile), simply refused and said he was not going to make that speech but was going to draft his own.

Coloured Persons Representative Council Act No 49, 1965. Most of the persons and institutions who offered advice and still offer advice have good and well-meaning intentions. Other banks quickly followed suit. Even if I as State President have to take power during the next session of Parliament so as to enable me to deregulise [sic] in the interest of the country, I will do so! The minister of constitutional development, Chris Heunis, had clearly followed this route and received Botha's nod. South Africa appeared to be hurtling towards cataclysm. My Government and I are determined to press ahead with our reform programme, and to those who prefer revolution to reform, I say they will not succeed. By letting the people speak through their leaders. Prevention of Illegal Squatting Act, 1952.

It is my considered opinion that any future constitutional dispensation providing for participation by all South African citizens, should be negotiated. In September 1984 riots broke out in the black townships of the Vaal Triangle, south-east of Johannesburg. Newsweek wrote that promised reforms may be the best, if not the last, chance for eventual harmony among the races of South Africa.".
Mangosuthu Buthelezi campaigned tirelessly for the release of Mandela and openly requested the unbanning of the ANC. Listen to the story of Cyril Ramaphosa's rise to presidential power, narrated by our very own Alec Hogg. The reforms promised in the speech included the unbanning of the African National Congress (ANC) and other anti-apartheid organisations, the release of political prisoners including Nelson Mandela, the end of the state of emergency, and a moratorium on the death penalty. Since then we have had to contend with escalating violence within South Africa, and pressure from abroad in the form of measures designed to coerce the Government into giving in to various demands. The referendum was limited to white South African voters, who were asked whether or not they supported the negotiated reforms begun by State President F. W. de Klerk two years earlier, in which he proposed to end the apartheid system that had been implemented since 1948. Internal resistance to apartheid in South Africa originated from several independent sectors of South African society and took forms ranging from social movements and passive resistance to guerrilla warfare. Botha in court room, 23 Jan 1998. To inform the leaders of South Africa's main trading partners of the imminent new policy direction that the president would announce, Pik Botha flew to Europe. Then we would deny the right of each and everyone to share in the decisions which shape his destiny. The future of these communities and their constitutional arrangements will have to be negotiated with leaders from the National States, as well as from their own ranks.