Whales are hunted for their oily insides. Whales were also hunted for their baleen, or "whale bone." For their meat Because of their large size and supply of blubber blue whales were an extremely popular species to hunt and whalers would sell their blubber and body parts to suppliers who made various materials out of it. In fact although the act of hunting whales is considered illegal in most countries there are still companies that look for legal loopholes in order to continue hunting these marine mammals as they look for ways to continue making a profit off of whale meat.One loophole that is believed to be used in order to continue whaling is to state that the whales are being hunted for researching purposes, which is legal and is supposed to be used to monitor the health of the whale species so that their habitat can be improved upon and whale populations can continue to grow and prosper.For instance if a particular species is suffering from noise pollution or chemical poisoning that research can be used to look for solutions in order to improve the ecosystem, however once the whales are captured their meat ends up being sold for a profit.The excuse that is often used for why their meat it sold is that after conducting research selling the whales meat is the easiest way to dispose of the corpse.While this loophole still exists today various organizations and governments are cracking down on this and declining profits are continuing to decrease the number of people involved in using this loophole to continue hunting whales.Before whaling became illegal and whalers were able to hunt these marine mammals without any restrictions whales were hunted for many other reasons.It is estimated that by the 1930’s over 50, 000 whales were being killed annually and by the middle of the century many of these species were unable to recover quickly enough to repopulate their losses.The reason for the large economic boom in the whaling industry during the 17th century was caused by significant technological advances in ships, harpoons and other whaling equipment.In fact although whales were hunted since the B.C. People have always tried to hunt whales, but the speed and weight of these mighty mammals made it almost impossible for humans to catch. There are very few blue whales as they were greatly hunted in the 1700-1800s because of their large size, being mistaken for sharks or attacking animals. Whaling, which is killing and hunting of whales, is one of the major causes behind blue whales being endangered. Until the twentieth century whaling was considered to be a perfectly acceptable and indeed admirable occupation. hunt whales but now don't.Blue whales were killed mostly for their oil. era it is believed that whale hunting hadn’t caused much ecological impact due to limited technology and most killings remained limited to the coast line and near offshore waters.During the pre whaling era the demand for whales was also much lower as their oil was not considered as vital due to a lack of technological advances and little need for it in regards to pre 16th century industrial equipment.In 1931 international agreements were made between various countries to minimize whale killings in an effort to help several species recover due to the endangered status of whales which was caused largely by the whaling industry.The International Whaling Commission was created to monitor the whaling industry and limit their hunting efforts.Unfortunately even though agreements exist between various countries those that did not opt into the agreement are only bound by their countries own regulations on whaling (if the country has imposed regulations), which means that there are still countries today that consider whaling a source of industry.Today however countries and companies that still hunt whales primarily hunt them as a source of food (in some areas whale meat is considered a delicacy) because other practical uses such as lamp oil, cosmetics and candles no longer require the parts  or oil of whales to be produced.We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website.Oil – Lamp oil, soap, perfume, candles and cosmetics,Food – Cooking oil, margarine and whale meat.and various other products including tools such as fishing hooks. Before whaling became illegal and whalers were able to hunt these marine mammals without any restrictions whales were hunted for many other reasons.