I was given flu shot and tetanus shot simultaneously after being assured by the physician’s assistant administering it, that it would be fine. Four days after my last tetanus shot, I woke up in the middle of the night to hundreds of muscle twitches on the back of my legs. Doc didn't seem to kno.

The neck and back pain increases in the evening until it is quite bad in the night. In July, 2000 I had a tetanus vaccination in my right buttock. I have been having sore knee joints since then. My shoulder been in pain ever since. There are nights when the pain awakens me and sits me straight up in bed. Answered by Dr. Derrick Lonsdale: No: But it will settle down if you leave it alone.

It's now in both arms, wrist, fingers swollen, and now the back of my head hurts. I felt freezing out of bed. The … I feel poisoned. It feels numb and almost like the bone is hurting. Immediately following the shot, I experienced some pain and the nurse said it would go away. My calf aches like I have the flu and I am experiencing more headaches. Day 7, I started coughing and day 8, I was so hoarse from coughing, which lasted 12 weeks. I can barely lift things or wipe my kitchen table without being in pain. Awful. I got the tetanus shot about 2 weeks ago on my upper arm. The pain and swelling at the site of the vaccination is a normal reaction to having a tetanus injection or so I have been told by my doctor. Now it’s been hurting and it is hard to move.

I got a tetanus shot 5 days ago at 9:30 am. When I go to work I start to feel like myself again and then I come home and I start to feel sick again.

I’m still experiencing nausea, stiff neck, migraine, and insomnia after 5 days. Day 3, the headache and neck pain persist.

Friday my arm hurt where I received the shot but not unbearably. A bite from the neighbor’s puppy sent me to the emergency room. If I held my arm in a certain position for too long it pains me. And I now just woke up with extreme back pain.

But it will settle down if you leave it alone. The second day I was super tired at work midday. Please describe your experience. They suggested it. Repeat. I thought I may have slept wrong. I got my tetanus shot yesterday morning.

©2018 WebMD, Inc. All rights reserved. Most doctors will deny it’s from vaccination. I will not get this again.

Because the last year in the month of March, I stepped on a nail pointing upward and now my leg aches always. In September 2017 I was given a DTAP. I had a tetanus shot and now a few days later I have a big lump on my arm and its red and hurts? I cannot figure out which one of these poisonous cocktails is responsible for the fact I cannot move my left arm to the side, I cannot straighten my elbow without pain and it’s getting worse every day (I got the shots a week tomorrow). The first day there was only slight pain at the injection site, but I started getting twitching muscles in the middle of my back that night. Thought I might have a serious disease, that sick. Wonder what went wrong or perhaps this is normal! I had a tetanus shot after receiving stitches.

Sections. I am quite concerned if it was the shot.

Doctor said it was a coincidence. ©1996-2020 MedicineNet, Inc. All rights reserved. infections center infections a-z listtetanus article, What symptoms and signs did you experience with tetanus? He went thru 2 courses of antibiotics with very little relief. I cut myself with a knife and they told me I needed a tetanus shot. This is awful! Today I woke up to a baseball sized lump in my arm that is warm and painful to the touch and red over the site. I may have a fever, but the Advil is keeping it down; hope tomorrow its better.

At the time I thought I had tetanus. By 6:00 pm that day I had a high fever, severe tremors, a headache, nausea, joint pain and pain running down my lower back to my legs. So I am just leaving it alone and hoping it doesn't get worse. I had the TDAP shot 5 days ago at a routine physical since I haven't had a tetanus shot in over 10 years. It is so bad I can’t move or use it still. We should have legal recourse!

About 2 hours after receiving the tetanus shot, I got the most severe headache and my neck was so stiff I couldn’t even move my head. I am in excruciating pain. This morning I woke up and my whole arm is numb. Two days after the shot my neck, shoulders and more froze up. Two days after a tetanus booster shot I started having a very bad headache and deep muscle aches so severe that I could not focus on my work. Those symptoms passed after about 12 hours of sleep but I'm on day 5 and my upper left arm where I was injected is still in just as much pain and there's a hard, swollen lump that's hot to the touch where the injection was. I am on day 6 and my arm still feels like I've been punched.

I have had these shots many times. I didn’t want TDAP but was willing to have just tetanus. I feel no pain at all except for one area, the back of my left hand. My doctor erased my shot record. One week later I thought it was a 48 hour flu. Nine days later it hurts just as bad as day 1. The doctor assured me it meant that my body was awesome at fighting the tetanus and would not let it in my body to fight it. I got my Tetanus shot on my left arm, in April 2019. Husband's last tetanus shot-about 15 yrs ago-left a red raised round lump size of half an apple. Top answers from doctors based on your search: Disclaimer. I was sick four days later... miserably sick.

Within minutes I felt very dazed and confused. Two days after the tetanus injection I began to feel extremely ill; swollen lymph nodes, difficulty swallowing, difficulty breathing, headaches, etc. About 3-4 months ago, my son began to have pain in his right jaw. I got the shot last Thursday and my arm hurt so bad I couldn't sleep. I have been woken out of my sleep due to the pain in my arm. I have swollen lymph nodes. One X-ray did indicate that there was no "cushion" (as the meniscus in the knee) between the upper and lower jaws of the joint. I'm expecting a grandson at the end of the month so I got a DTaP vaccine for fear of exposing him to whooping cough. I started feeling fatigue and I'm not feeling well.


I got my injection for tetanus high on my left arm. The arm was sore as expected, but by Monday I had a terrible pain in my back.