[24], According to publisher statistics, men outnumber women about two to one among English-language speculative fiction writers aiming for professional publication. Davies, Philip. By day she is a software engineer but she gets up in the wee hours of the morning to write. Would love to see more with older women protags. [9], In mythography the concept of speculative fiction has been termed "mythopoesis" or mythopoeia, "fictional speculation", the creative design and generation of lore, regarding such works as J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings. Send us your strange, misshapen stories.Please see our Submissions page for all details. Looking for beautiful literary writing with a great hook. So I thought I could share here some names of lit mags that welcome speculative fiction and poetry. April 1, 2019 Vol. There are many others that could make this list, but I thought I would start with the ten I know best (I plan to add another list soon). He first used the term in an editorial in The Saturday Evening Post, February 8, 1947. Adult upmarket fiction - women’s fic, spec fic, mystery. Okay Donkey (they publish online new poem every Monday and a new flash fiction every Friday).

science fantasy). The only way to sate The Cabinet’s hunger is to feed it great writing.”), Ellipsis Zine (another well-known magazine. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. However, though Heinlein may have come up with the term on his own, there are earlier citations: a piece in Lippincott's Monthly Magazine in 1889 used the term in reference to Edward Bellamy's Looking Backward: 2000–1887 and other works; and one in the May 1900 issue of The Bookman said that John Uri Lloyd's Etidorhpa, The End of the Earth had "created a great deal of discussion among people interested in speculative fiction". I have interviewed her, by the way. Good submitting!

0 Comments, literary fiction, Markets, poetry, speculative fiction. Focuses on groups of survivors after massive worldwide disasters. 220-227, Dorothea Kehler, A midsummer night's dream: critical essays, 2001, Adcox, John, "Can Fantasy be Myth?

This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Kerelyn Smith is a writer of literary, speculative, and children’s fiction. However, the percentages vary considerably by genre, with women outnumbering men in the fields of urban fantasy, paranormal romance and young adult fiction. October visual prompt: Shawl Dancers by Ruthe Blalock Jones, Countdown to next Quarterly Open Submission Period - November 15 - 30th, You Do What You’re Told by J.A.W. [10] Such supernatural, alternate history and sexuality themes continue in works produced within the modern speculative fiction genre. Going far beyond these roots to explore [3][4] Speculative fiction can be recognized in works whose authors' intentions or the social contexts of the versions of stories they portrayed are now known, since ancient Greek dramatists such as Euripides (c. 480–406 BCE) whose play Medea seems to have offended Athenian audiences when he fictionally speculated that shamaness Medea killed her own children instead of their being killed by other Corinthians after her departure,[5] and whose play Hippolytus, narratively introduced by Aphrodite, Goddess of Love in person, is suspected to have displeased his contemporary audiences because he portrayed Phaedra as too lusty. Asymmetry accepts all kinds of speculative fiction, as long as it’s under 3,000 words, for weekly publication online. Science, History, and Fiction in Everyday Life, Steph P. Bianchini Similar to horror and fantasy, it exploits or requires as plot devices or themes some contradictions of the commonplace, This page was last edited on 30 August 2020, at 17:51. [2], Speculative fiction as a category ranges from ancient works to both paradigm-changing and neotraditional works of the 21st century. They argue that "speculative fiction" better defines an expanded, open, imaginative type of fiction than does "genre fiction", and the categories of "fantasy", "mystery", "horror" and "science fiction". [a] Such elements may include an LGBT character as the protagonist or a major character, or explorations of sexuality or gender that deviate from the hetero-normative. “The Cabinet of Heed is a multi-drawered piece of furniture that grows hungry at various times of the year.