"'It's already good.' Leysath impressed the producer and label head with his DJ skills, and Prince let him set up shop on the property. "He was a perfectionist and he NEVER missed a queue," Dennis said. Led by the single “Baby Mama,” the 15-track album about love, heartbreak and growth, includes appearances from  Chance the Rapper, Daniel Caeser, and Brandy's teenage daughter, Sy'rai Smith, who joins her mother on the track “High Heels.”,Along with the new album -- her first since 2012 -- Brandy debuted the music video for her latest single, “Borderline.”.“I spilled so much of my heart on this album,” she proudly told fans during a listening party on YouTube on Thursday (July 30).In a more sobering moment from the virtual party, Brandy opened up about the death of her friend and producer, Lashawn Daniels. “I never sent the recording.”.Flex said that he obtained the recording from a “blogger,” not Minaj.In her decision, Judge Phillips reportedly noted that artists tend to “experiment” with music before they attempt to get proper licensing.“Artists usually experiment with works before seeking licenses from rights holders and rights holders typically ask to see a proposed work before approving a license,” the judge wrote. R.I.P. 7 Tracks. The news broke via Dennis' Instagram account, and was later referenced on the Geto Boys' Twitter account. The former DJ … Truly under-recognized for his contributions to many classic records.Yeezy is looking for tips on being independent from three men who dominated the 90s.Larry Chatman is accusing Young of writing herself another check from the Record One Studio bank account.The Adult Swim series is scheduled to return after a four-year break.The Starz series, touted as a 'Power' spin-off, collected almost 7.5 million multi-platform views in its debut week.Something’s Wrong. Red was before his time. It was an honor to know him. ".He goes on to note that Red, a.k.a. I'd hear it and think, 'Oh, (expletive), that's fine!' the "Musical Enforcer," was responsible for "most of the production"  of the Geto Boys' early work, as well as Willie D's first solo album.“To say that he was a pioneer would be an understatement,” he continued. There’s a lot of producers today that are eating off of Red and don’t even know why their bellies are full.”,The Houston-bred Geto Boys was founded in the late ’80s and became a flagship artist of,Red produced the group’s first three albums, including 1988’s,In recent years, Red was noticeably absent from Geto Boys reunions, something he explained on the.“I was an artist and a producer on [Rap-A-Lot Records],” he began. Dre’s Business Partner Adds To Messy $1B Divorce With Theft Allegations,Anderson .Paak, Joey Bada$$, Machine Gun Kelly, Lil Yachty & Big Freedia To Appear On 'The Eric Andre Show' Season 5,50 Cent's 'Power Book II: Ghost' Renewed For Second Season After Record-Breaking Premiere,Mozzy, D Smoke, Rotimi, Jean Deaux, Jackboy & More Contribute Songs To 'EMPIRE Presents: Voices For Change Vol. It is what we all need, and I feel like we need it more now than we ever have,” she explained. Make sure you typed in your email correctly.Kanye West Calls Upon Hip Hop Pioneers Master P, Birdman & Uncle Luke For Record Label Overhaul,Dr. The 32-year-old rapper decided to drop the song after  finishing up his highly anticipated Detroit 2 album due out next week.“My heart and my gut was saying not only do people deserve that song right now,”  Sean tweeted on Tuesday (Aug. 25). Out in the clubs, he heard "Car Freaks," the first single by a local Houston rap group called the Ghetto Boys.Through a friend, Leysath arranged a meeting with James Prince, the Rap-A-Lot founder at the car lot where Prince worked.