MSM stokes panic as yet another animal virus spreads to humans in China, but there’s little to fear. Beyond keeping up with national and local events, The Rio Times will also cover issues of specific interest to foreign nationals here. Eyewitness video from Curitiba and elsewhere in Parana showcases the full fury of the bomb cyclone.Concessionaria Scania em Rio do Sul/SC agora a tarde.Some 193,000 people were left without power following the ferocious weather, while dozens of neighbourhoods were also left without a water supply.Gusts of 111kph were recorded at Afonso Pena Airport, according to the National Meteorological Institute (Inmet), but speeds reached up to 120kph in other areas.Some 8.2 millimeters of rain fell in a period of an hour and a half as the temperature reportedly dropped by nine degrees in 45 minutes, according to Inmet.Ciclone hoje em Santa Catarina.A previsão para amanhã é de ventos mais fortes segundo a Defesa civil!Deus nos proteja!.There were over 500 reports of falling trees and debris as vast swaths of the city were showered with sparks from damaged power lines.© Autonomous Nonprofit Organization “TV-Novosti”, 2005–2020. Nine of the deaths were reported in the state of Santa Catarina, where one person has also been reported missing. Enditem,010020070750000000000000011102121391815801. The ferocious tempest ripped up trees, tore roofs off buildings and sent locals cowering indoors as shrapnel flew past their very eyes outside on Tuesday. Ferocious bomb cyclone explodes in Southern Brazil, killing at least 10 and destroying everything on its path - 600,000 people in the dark in videos. All rights reserved.At least three people were killed as the southern Brazilian state of Parana was lashed by winds of up to 120kph from a ‘bomb’ cyclone which wreaked havoc across the area, bombarding the streets with high-speed debris.Subscribe to RT newsletter to get stories the mainstream media won’t tell you,© Twitter/ @MarceloAveiro, Twitter @GeisieleScio,75 years later: Newly-released wartime docs debunk myths about WWII’s liberation of Warsaw,Chinese authorities announce first CURED coronavirus patient discharged from hospital in Shanghai,‘Puzzling’ virus of UNKNOWN origin with genes scientists can’t identify discovered in Brazil,Convoy of Italian army trucks haul away corpses as local crematorium flooded with coronavirus dead (VIDEO),Pornhub sees massive BULGE in traffic as coronavirus crisis continues,Chinese study sounds alarm over new swine flu with pandemic potential, WHO warns ‘we cannot let our guard down’,Anti-racism campaigners target football commentators as study finds light-skinned players praised more for 'intelligence'.Britain treats asylum seekers like ANIMALS, so is it any surprise when they snap and behave like one?A picture of patriotism or an image of defiance? We always believed we were far from the kind of phenomena we were used to seeing on television of the Caribbean," a resident of Ilhota, a community in greater Florianopolis, told local media.Strong winds and heavy rains ripped away tile roofs and sheet roofing, and uprooted electricity poles.Winds of up to 80 kilometers per hour reached as far as the southeast states of Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, the meteorological service reported.On the coast of Sao Paulo, damage to a marina caused eight boats to sink.In Curitiba, Parana state, cellphone video captured rooftops blown away by winds of over 100 kilometers per hour.The governments of Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina and Parana issued flood warnings and evacuated more than 1,000 people. In addition to almost 1.9 million consumers without electricity in the three states. This extratropical cyclone has shifted and will continue changing the weather in the South and Southeast regions in the coming days.RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - A so-called "bomb" cyclone, similar to a hurricane, hit Brazil hard on Tuesday, June 30th, and caused extensive damage and deaths in several regions.