86 per cent of inpatients rated their overall care positively in 2018, with more than a third of people giving their care full marks.• Scotland’s core A&E services are the best performing in the UK – for almost five years running.• Scotland has the highest number of GPs per head of population in the UK.• We’ve expanded IVF to more families – making access in Scotland the fairest and most generous in the UK.• Scotland is leading the world on alcohol pricing, being the first country to implement minimum unit pricing.• Our patient safety record is amongst the best in the world. The 2017 Scottish local elections were held on Thursday 4 May, in all 32 local authorities. • Local communities have been given a voice in the planning and delivery of local services through the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015. At the end of this week, it is expected that there will be around £345m in unclaimed business support grants from the Scottish Government. In 1999, the SNP promised to use the Scottish Parliament’s meagre fiscal powers with its ‘penny for Scotland’ policy. The primary focus will be the continuation of a rolling programme of efficient electrification.• The first section – between Kincraig and Dalraddy – of our £3 billion project to dual the A9 from Perth to Inverness has been completed.• The £745 million Aberdeen Bypass opened in February 2019, providing savings in journey times of up to half for road users travelling around Aberdeen.• In 2019/20 we established a £50 million Town Centre Fund to enable local authorities to stimulate a range of investments which encourage town centres to diversify and flourish.• In the South of Scotland we’re taking forward the construction of the Maybole bypass on the A77, which is progressing well, and making further improvements to the A75.• We exceeded our target of 95 per cent fibre broadband coverage by the end of 2017, delivering access to 940,000 premises – around 100,000 more than originally anticipated.• We are the only part of the UK that has guaranteed 100% superfast broadband access and now all of the R100 build in the South area and most of it in the Central area will use full fibre technology (full fibre to the premises).• The Regeneration Capital Grant Fund which supports locally developed regeneration projects, has since its first year in 2014/15 offered grant support to 138 projects across Scotland at a combined total of over £138m.• In 2013 we published the Town Centre Action Plan to help stimulate a wide range of activity across sectors to regenerate and revitalise town centres.• In 2011 we published a regeneration strategy which provides a framework for local action to tackle area inequality, create opportunities and improve outcomes for communities.• We have demonstrated global leadership on climate change, and were the first part of the UK to declare a ‘climate emergency’.• Scotland has a target of net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2045, one of the toughest statutory targets in the world. We have created the Scottish Land Commission to support this.• Devolution of the Scottish Crown Estate has ensured that land, coastal and marine assets with a total value of around £400 million can now be managed for the future benefit of Scotland and local communities.• Devolution of the Scottish Crown Estate means that Scotland can for the first time control leasing for seabed activities such as offshore renewables out to 200 nautical miles.• This has also enabled Scottish Ministers to allocate £7.5 million of funding to benefit coastal communities in 2019/20 from the net revenue of Scottish Crown Estate marine assets out to 12 nautical miles.• The EU/SG funded LEADER programme has allocated almost £70 million to around 1,000 projects across rural Scotland since 2015. This is 84% of all the new woodland created in the UK that year.• To-date, almost 20,000 hectares of degraded peatland has been restored since the Peatland Action project started in 2012.• Carrier bag use was reduced by 80 per cent – the equivalent of 650 million bags – in the first year of the carrier bag charge.• We’ve helped make our communities safer from flooding with investment in flood defences and new measures in the Flood Risk Management Act.