Well written! 1. Less than 50 percent of eligible young voters ages 18 to 29 cast a vote in 2012.3. One study of 78 countries finds that if voter turnout increased from 40 percent to 80 percent, on average it would reduce the Gini Coefficient (a frequently used measure of income inequality) in these countries by .04, which is equal to the entire effect of taxes in the United States.Political scientists Kim Hill and Jan Leighley find in two studies that states with a more pronounced class bias of turnout tend to have lower rates of social welfare spending.Political scientist William Franko has examined how class bias in voter turnout affects how often legislators introduce and act on social welfare and affordable housing legislation.Voter turnout is also correlated with levels of government funding. But, as Robert Franzese argues, where turnout is low and unequal, politicians who already cater to big donors have an even stronger incentive to do so.It’s clear that who votes, and who doesn’t, affects public policy. Every vote matters. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Through voting you have the opportunity to influence the government.10. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. In all, voting is a constitutional right and privilege that Americans have. Thus, clearly and urgently, we need to close the voting gaps to ensure greater balance in electoral and policy outcomes, so that all Americans, not just affluent white Americans, may enjoy the fruits of democracy.In the analysis that follows, we examine public opinion differences between voters and nonvoters, which help to illuminate the political and social impact of voter turnout inequalities. Both appear to be perfectly valid reasons, don’t they?Some of my regular-voting-absentee friends have this theory that the deciding majority is never the one vote that they are not going to cast, and the voting that does actually take place should be enough to decide a majority. Do you ever notice commercials or advertisements for people who want you to vote for them? Voting is important because even though it is not a requirement, it is considered a civic responsibility. Voting is an important process in our country through which leaders are selected to make laws and solve problems. Young voters account for half of the voting population, making them a powerful political force. This will is made evident through voting. WASHINGTON, D.C. — Why is voting important? Summarizing the experience of Britain, France, Germany and Sweden, Daron Acemoglu and James Robinson write, “there is a close correspondence between the decline in inequality and the extension of the franchise.”.Other research strongly suggests that the expansion of suffrage to women led to an increase in government spending.In a pioneering 2012 study, Elizabeth Cascio and Ebonya Washington find that the abolition of literacy tests for voter registration shifted the distribution of government funds to areas with larger Black populations.International differences in turnout affect policy; here, again, higher turnout and lower class bias in voting are associated with more generous social welfare policies. Here are just a few reasons why you should get registered and vote: 1. By this definition, voting is a privilege, right and duty of each and every component of a democratic system, i.e., us, the people. 921: Celebrating Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar,International Finance Institutions: Leading Fight Against COVID-19,How COVID-19 is Affecting Zimbabwe’s Water Shortage. The gap between midterm and Presidential turnout is disproportionally on people of color. So why is it important to vote? This article shares some insights on why is it important to vote. There's a lot of fuss on the Left about election irregularities, like, you know, the voting machines were tampered with, they didn't count the votes right, and so on. Another reason why voting is important is that it creates a sense of responsibility in the leaders and makes them realize that they have been chosen over some other candidate by the people for performing in a professional and dedicated manner. How can a decision made by only about a half of the population represent what the community, as one people, wants? With the democratic process of voting, a balance in power can be maintained between the governance and the people. Hence, you must cast your vote for presidential elections as well as local body elections.The objective of a government is to draft and implement various policies for the betterment of its people. Election outcomes are determined by those who participate. If only the same few people continue to vote, their opinions will be the only ones resulting in legislative change. In the hardest voting rights struggle, Black Americans, whose right to vote was recognized in the 15th Amendment to the US Constitution, continued to face official and unofficial restrictions and suppression in Southern states and cities until the Voting Rights Act of 1965 established strong federal protections for the freedom to vote by banning or limiting many of the discriminatory election policies and practices of the Jim Crow South.In Southern states and elsewhere, eligible voters often face restrictive policies such as strict registration deadlines, photo identification requirements, and racially-motivated redistricting.The Voting Rights Act—combined with subsequent legislation such as the National Voter Registration Act, which requires state agencies to provide opportunities for voter registration—has helped us make significant progress in boosting voting by Black Americans and other historically marginalized groups.
The founding fathers believed in democracy and the importance of a government for the people and by the people.
Today, most American citizens over the age of 18 are entitled to vote in federal and state elections, but voting was not always a default right for all Americans. It’s best to make use of that right instead of squandering it and disregarding what our Founders stood for.https://borgenproject.org/wp-content/uploads/The_Borgen_Project_Logo_small.jpg,10 Important Facts About Human Rights in Nigeria. Voting allows you to choose people you want to represent your community in the governance of your country. If we achieve this goal, our elected bodies will better reflect the full diversity of Americans, including the viewpoints of millions of Americans who do not currently have an equal voice in our democracy, which all people deserve. Class gaps are magnified by age gaps. It reinforces the sense among people that their voices are important, and being heard, regardless of the size of their organization.