I gave Kendi’s “How to be an Anti-Racist” a shot, doing my best to neutralize my own opinion that ancestor worship/guilt is detrimental shite. China's tech and retail giant Alibaba And then he complains when others insult him.

I’m black by the way. Probably just “being born white”, in which case no amount of money will atone him. Read him in his own words, people. Gee, what a concept. This probably a poor definition, but I’m winging it: racism is a belief that a person’s character, intelligence, and other qualities can be known not by getting to know or assessing that person as an individual, but simply by knowing which collective grouping they have been assigned to based on superficial physical characteristics such as their skin pigmentation, whether the person’s eyes have an epicanthal fold, etc.
For example most Agronomist and Animals Scientist I know with PhDs have tons of common sense. I swear, you’ve got to be some sort of Soros-funded astroturfer, playing the role of hick bigot to try and discredit the rest of us here. He even states he identifies far more with the left and considers himself a left-libertarian who believes the left is better on just about any individual right than the right is. Guilt by association is wrong no matter which direction it flows.

Kendi's promise that what constitutes a "racist idea" would be "clearly defined" is hardly reassuring: There's no way such a department could avoid becoming an Orwellian nightmare—indeed, the very program would necessitate the formation of a kind of speech police. Jeff is far more progressive than you like to admit. Well I would define “anti-racist” as more than just being not racist in one’s personal life, but applying appropriate social pressure within one’s circle of friends/acquaintances to disapprove of racist actions taken therein. We intended that college education for most people would advance the goal of an enlightened and pluralistic society. These are definitely more uptight times for comedy and comedians than, say, the 80s.

A real nigger. I heard it referred to as the Kelly Bundy Effect. Play Mott & Bailey with someone else. If so, what should I do if he says it to Brett? The Constitution of the USA is already anti-racist, by virtue of the Bill of Rights and the 15th Amendment. I wonder if that was a resume piece for the NYT? The dangerous part of race is culture and we choose that. Nardz, I was responding to soldiermedic76’s question about whether he should call out someone who calls him a cracker, not to Jeff. I don’t have a boss standing over my shoulder and I make my own hours. Do you not know the history of how all countries evolved? Bill: [Picks up book, reads for a few moments] Holy shit, all my ideas about race are wrong! It’s a constant iteration to stay steps ahead of adversaries. The amendment would make unconstitutional racial inequity over a certain threshold, as well as racist ideas by public officials (with “racist ideas” and “public official” clearly defined). Well, say, a hypothetical situation where you are sitting around the table with a bunch of friends, and one starts telling “nigger” jokes. It gives them tremendous power. This home j0b is just awesome and regular earning from this are much times better than other regular 9 to 5 desk j0b.
And a bunch of kids who are every conceivable variation of the above.

US Dollar Rain Earns upto $550 to $750 per day by google fantastic job oppertunity provide for our community pepoles who,s already using facebook to earn money 85000$ every month and more through facebook and google new project to create money at home withen few hours.Everybody can get this job now and start earning online by just open this link and then go through instructions to get started……….HERE? How about we just treat everyone like human beings and shun the assholes? Yes, and it is exactly that “shitty pseudo-science” that “anti-racists” are using when they divide Americans up into different races and infer the existence of “racism” based on unequal outcomes correlated with that “shitty pseudo-science”. Anyone anywhere protesting a genocide is necessarily a racist. Hackers took control of many high-profile Twitter accounts last week in an apparent attempt to make money by advertising a fake bitcoin deal. Maybe Jack is trying to impress the black chicks, he’d be better off laying the money directly on them or maybe he’s really into Ibram the Tenth Kendi. I wonder what @jack is preemptively making up for with this. In what way is “anti-racism” opposed to racism if it is a perspective dependent upon, and interpreting the world through, race? Trump asks Supreme Court to let him block critics on Twitter, https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/512938-trump-asks-supreme-court-to-let-him-block-critics-on-twitter, In an odd coincidence I submitted the paper work to vote on making Roman numerical surnames unconstitutional, “Kendi” isn’t as Roman numeral, and the X is simply the initial for his middle name, Xolani, Not that the NOI-style surnames are Roman numerals either…. “We have a really high bar for when we would ask consumers to pay for aspects of Twitter,” he said on the call. Sure, because ‘anti-racism’ necessarily means ‘siding with everything that every other antiracist person also believes’. How? It would establish and permanently fund the Department of Anti-racism (DOA) comprised of formally trained experts on racism and no political appointees. People of color is a term used that includes all races but one.

Disclosure: I occasionally hold some small amount of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. How amazingly Orwellian.