The whale does not have a pelvis. I realized the same analytical tools and technology used to compare biological shapes could be used to compare the shapes of archaeological artifacts.”.The new research opens the door to using digital tools to compare natural shapes in powerful ways, Otárola-Castillo said.“The advent of computing and computerized biology and development of statistical tools in particular is really helping us learn new things. The testis data was important because in nature, species in "promiscuous," competitive mating environments (where females mate with multiple males) develop larger testes, relative to their body mass, in order to outdo the competition.When Dean and Dines compared the relative sizes of pelvic bones with testes, they found that the bigger the testes (relative to body size) the bigger the relative pelvic bones -- the competitive mating situation seemed to prompt the development of larger pelvic bones, making them not so useless after all.To rule out overall skeleton size being the culprit behind the larger pelvic bones, the duo also compared testis size with rib size and found no corresponding increase. I guess they have to be, because they’re mating in water,” says Dean.

Due to this high demand, female cetaceans can become choosier and mate only with males they perceive to be of higher quality.

They do this with specially-designed blood vessels in the tail fluke that dissipate heat to the ocean and return cool blood for the testes (.Creationists provide a much better answer for whale sex: the small whale pelvic bones, along with all the other reproductive organs, were fully functional from creation. For example, the pelvis had evolved to be much reduced in size and separate from the backbone. The reduced pelvis outlet often causes problems during child birth. “A clitoris and a penis are the same thing,” says Dean. Didn’t the authors claim “their.But, a critic might say, didn’t the USC guys do good science by checking their data, following the scientific method, and establishing their hypothesis? I had no idea how to conduct such comparisons until I took a course in biology and statistics when I was a master’s student in archaeology.

The bones of the male whales differ from those of the female. More promiscuous species also had longer penises, relative to their body size. Many living species have a vestigial pelvis and leg bones, testifying…to their descent from four-legged ancestors. The specimen is just the tip, as the entire organ, when intact, would have been about 5 m (16 ft) long and weighed about 350–450 kilograms (770–990 lb), well above average for even a blue whale. Many primates have very small endowments, so this becomes another explanation that collapses into the,So on further investigation, sexual selection and natural selection provide nothing of explanatory value. As a parallel, we are now learning that our appendix is actually quite important in several immune processes, not a functionally useless structure," said Dean.Boat tourists and whale enthusiasts got an amazing surprise last weekend when a rare sight popped up -- or breached up! Do you mean to tell us that evolutionists, the paragons of scientific virtue, have stopped research on whale pelvic bones for decades by assuming they were vanishing vestiges? Matthew Dean, assistant professor at the USC Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences, and Jim Dines, collections manager of mammalogy at NHM, wanted to find out if pelvic bones could be evolutionarily advantageous by impacting the overall amount of control an individual creature has with its penis.The pair spent four years examining whale and dolphin pelvic bones, using a 3D laser scanner to study the shape and size of the samples in extreme detail.Then they gathered as much data as they could find -- reaching back to whaler days -- on whale testis size relative to body mass. And looking at the cetacean family tree, when species diverged and became more promiscuous, the shape of their pelvic bones changed accordingly.To feel the effects of sexual selection, cetaceans with larger or more uniquely shaped pelvic bones had to have a clear advantage in the wild. Only one male will win this competition by inseminating the female and ensuring a chance to pass his genes along.

Speaking of limbs, evolutionists believe they see greatly reduced pelvis or hip bones in some whales.

Don’t just defend design against their mythical explanations like “vestigial organs” and “junk DNA.”  Attack the myths as examples of bad science that hinders scientific progress. If you look at a complete whale skeleton in a museum, you’ll often see the tiny hindlimb and pelvic bones hanging from the rest of the skeleton, suspended by wires. Do you mean to imply that creationists, believing those bones were designed, might have advanced science by looking for their function? To make sure this wasn’t a false positive, they performed the same laser scanning and analysis on rib bones—which unsurprisingly showed no correlation with testes or penis size.