These octopuses are foraging predators on coral reefs of the Caribbean Sea. She stays with the eggs until they hatch, usually for a period of 50-80 days, protecting the clusters against predators.

The location of the Octopus will affect the types of predators it has to contend with.


Like other octopus species, Caribbean reef octopuses are typically solitary and are able to quickly change color using specialized cells in their skin known as chromatophores.

FAO Fish.

Red fish is the name used for a number of fish species dwelling the world’s seas from Australia to Canada. Reproduction. Dr. James B. If I do come in contact with one, there will be a fight. Nauen, 1984.

Fertile females collected from the Florida Keys have been observed laying approximately 500 large eggs around January. Cephalopods – A World Guide, Conchbooks, Germany.

It is preyed on mostly by sharks, stingrays and some other predatory fish. This reef octopus species prefers shallow water areas, with rocky substrates where there are lots of caverns and lairs to hide in. Thus, this creature begins its journey as soon as it hatches, skipping a platonic stage, and within generally three months they are three fourths the size of a mature adult (Oceana, 1979). There can be brown on them too which ranges in shades of color.

They are also known to occasionally be cannibalistic and eat individuals of the same species, most typically after defending territory against an intruder. Tree of Life: Cephalopoda Tree of Life Cephalopoda Glossary National Resource Center for Cephalopods Norman, M., Debelius, H. 2000. Synop., (125) Vol. The mating season lasts for one to two months and is usually around January.

They weigh around 1.5 kilos when fully developed. Their color is difficult to identify because they are masters of camouflage, changing color in the fraction of a second to blend into the environment. This video is unavailable. After about 50-80 days (quicker in warmer waters) the eggs hatch. Learn how your comment data is processed. Watch Queue Queue One way to definitely tell them apart is by looking at the eyes.

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Being an unsociable creature, the octopus spends most of its time alone. Decision Time for China on Fishing Subsidies, 3D printing is helping to rebuild Hong Kong’s precious coral reefs, Opinion: When allocating fishing rights, govt should learn from the errors of 2016, Russian fishing firms voluntarily reduce bottom-trawling, EU confirms current number of Dutch pulse trawl vessels in breach of new laws, David Attenborough urges public to ditch meat and go vegetarian to save planet, Shaping The World We Live In With Carl Safina. All rights reserved. Like many other octopus species, these animals also have an ink sac that releases a dark-colored substance to drive away predators and to blur their vision while the octopus flees.

Octopus briareus feeds on a wide array of animals including primarily crustaceans as well as small fish and bivalves.

If I do come in contact with one, there will be a fight. These reef octopi wear a mantle that is around 60 cm large and also have large, strong arms.