It would also cause foundational problems for general relativity, because general relativity cannot make predictions about the future evolution of space-time near a singularity. In general relativity, a naked singularity is a gravitational singularity without an event horizon. Could you clarify if when you shift viewing angle around the black hole if there is a center line (like the accretion disk) that is visible no matter where you are because of the curvature of light around the black hole? ... at the creation of Interstellar‘s black hole. Compare to Pixar's render farm that made frames of Monster University at about 29 hours each. I'm just trying to conceptualize these this mind boggling math so I can fully appreciate it. Seems like you'd be the best source yet! And that is what actually happens with an accretion disc. Any idea how long I have to wait? When falling into the black hole, the gas gets hotter, dust particles rub against each other, creating enormous amounts of energy, which radiates away from the black hole. Nope, didn't read any papers from the movie, I've worked it out by myself and from older papers. On the second planet, they encounter a … Will also delete on comment score of -1 or less. When falling into the black hole, the gas gets hotter, dust particles rub against each other, creating enormous amounts of energy, which radiates away from the black hole. A naked singularity, by contrast, is observable from the outside. A disc caused by the black hole's gravity of rapidly spinning light spiraling toward the center. I hope one day a new black hole theory is formed by a Mr. What exactly are the "Christoffel symbols"? Looks really imnpressive. Depending on the actual black hole it can glow brightly (like in the movie), but most of the time it radiates ultra deadly gamma rays. Phi changes rapidly when passing the poles where theta is zero or 2pi. This doesn't mean, that the force is overall stronger (could be weaker also), but the behaviour of the force with varying distances is different. These glowing accretion discs are one of the brightest objects in the universe known to man, and are known as quasars or pulsars. There are fundamental physical laws (conservation of angular momentum) that create an effective "barrier", that prevents the space station from falling down (effects like friction asside). Are you talking about the thin circular line around the blackness in the centre? There are so many entries in the matrix because you have to account for the three dimensions of space and one of time. I think, someone add to this cause this is just off the top of my head, Edit: particles in the disc, not the light itself sorry. Don't really know the fuss about the "new science" from interstellar, there are tons of papers about kerr renderings, some of which are decades old. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Its proximity to the black hole also causes an extreme time dilation, where one hour on the distant planet equals 7 years on Earth. What tools did you use to create and render it? Did you by chance base your work on the papers they wrote for the movie? Some more high resolution wallpapers would also be really nice, probably even some for 3 monitors, r/wallpapers would definitely appreciate your work. Even black holes wear makeup in Hollywood. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the interstellar community, Press J to jump to the feed. Objects like stars and black holes do this so powerfully that they actually bend light and pull space and time with it. The “Interstellar” black hole was created using a new CGI rendering software that was based on theoretical equations provided by Thorne and a group of researchers. I can't post to those subs, as I'm "a new user, or my posts didn't do that well". The light spins around the black hole so fast that it heats up due to friction and gives off that sort of glow. I had this notion (may be totally wrong) after seeing interstellar and reading the book, but couldn't find a definite answer. The connection does get nasty, true, but the equations of motion are still extremely simple and are handled very well by my dormand prince solver. So that when we list the Schwarzschild hole and the Kerr hole, we must also list the Butt hole. 120 hours is really slow. That's what is meant by the "suck of a black hole". Thank you, your praise is most apprectiated. The special thing about black holes is, that their gravity behaves slightly different from other, larger objects, in that their gravity is in a sense "stronger". | FAQs | ^Mods | Magic ^Words. From the way I understand it, and I may be incorrect, it's basically a way to describe the shape of curved space due to a body creating a gravitational force. You can see a fast spinning hole in interstellar, so we've got that.. I didn't quite get that, sorry. They look a lot like the ones in the movie. In polar charts you run into a nasty coordinate singularity at the poles. This might be a silly question, but what exactly is an acretion disc? I just wanted to add something very intellectual to this conversation. In generic black holes, this is not a problem, as an outside viewer cannot observe the space-time within the event horizon. One day I might extend it to a rotating black hole, but for now I don't have time for that :(. Numerical calculations and some other arguments have also hinted at this possibility. That's five days. As I said, near black holes the physics is a little bit different. Just like saturns rings for example. Great work! I'm a physics student working on black holes, and for my thesis I developed a rendering engine that can create images from outside and inside black holes. Interesting: Apparent ^horizon | Absolute ^horizon | Gravitational ^singularity | Hans ^Reissner, Parent commenter can toggle ^NSFW or ^delete. Still took me about 6 months of work. Some research has suggested that if loop quantum gravity is correct, then naked singularities could exist in nature, implying that the cosmic censorship hypothesis does not hold.