It suits her perfectly!I knew a girl in Kinder garden named Luna and her mom would call her Lu,When I hear this name, I don't think of the darkness of night. I dunno, it's just so... eh. Also, nicknames!She LOOKS like a Luna, too. She is also kind and honest and imaginative. These are all traits I hope to help my Luna foster!! This action cannot be undone.Just so you know, What to Expect may make commissions on shopping links on this page.The 50 Best Celebrity Social Media Pregnancy Announcements of All Time,Which name do you like better?Juliana LunaLuna belleMy older daughters name is Liliana soJuliana may be good or another name start with L (Luna) is good too.

?Hey everyone!I’m currently 29 weeks pregnant (tomorrow) lol and I’m having a girl, naming her Luna ♥️So here’s the thing, the baby daddy is not the greatest person in the world. Its so pretty but also a little whimsical. To rate names on Nameberry, please register for an account or log in to an existing account.You will receive an email (no more than once per day) summarizing any new mentions of Luna on Nameberry. It sounds pretty cute though. Help ? In Roman art, Luna is often depicted driving a chariot. what do you guys think? I call her Lu-Lu and Looney, but her full name is Luna Beam! It almost glows.As in first name Stella Moon and first name Stella Star? This action cannot be undone.Are you sure you want to delete your comment? Lv 7. Yes, I know there is a Luna in Harry Potter, but that is in a different world, and wizards all have weird names. However, I personally have had a dog named Luna and know of 2 other dogs with that name. our parents hate it lol.I like the name especially since I'm a big Harry Potter fan.I personally don't like it, but only because two of my close friends have dogs named Luna. I love Luna Reign but my husband isn’t sold on it. She is my light in the dark. Also a Harry Potter fan;) our families didn't like the name Oliver but now they all agree it suits him great. We also loved that it means the moon.We wanted something not very common but not unheard of.

On the other hand the name Selene, which is the greek equivalent of Luna, reminds me of a dark haired child.I think this is a beautiful name with a beautiful meaning and I'd definitely use it.I chose this for my daughter.

But overall I actually like my name a bit. We’ve scooped up all sorts of names that work well in the middle name position from funky and fun to timeless classics.Mamas with kids named Luna also have kids with these names.My husband is Latin American and our baby was conceived in,We choose Luna because the name isn’t common.We loved the way it sounded. I have recently purchased a female black cat and we are arguing over names. Luna Felicity Clements . She was born on a ‘blue moon’ which is where I was inspired for the name. I think it's super cute. From the mighty to the mysterious, we have them on one awesome list.Alien names for girls are out-of-this-world in their beauty. I would prefer names more rare and long. Whether you’d love a classic like Mary or a word name like Gem, explore these pint-sized pixies here.Goddess names for girls are ethereal beauties from the heavens—literally. It is short and sweet. After she came out and I saw her sweet face I knew she was a Luna. From planetary princesses to futuristic finds, explore them with us.Short girl names continue to be popular with parents. Glowing, almost.I like this but I worry that people might call her Loony!I just think of the darkness that surrounds the moon. Answer Save. John and Chrissy's daughter, Luna, is adorable.My name is Luna and I have to be honest that it isn’t my favorite name in the world. I love the celestial association. Luna is a person who is unafraid of being different; she is confident and secure in her uniqueness. We love that Luna is moon in more than one language because she is our moon and stars,Luna means moon. It's.My favorite cat is named Luna! The only con is that a lot of people like to name their dog Luna ??? A name with beauty straight from the heavens, Luna means “the moon” in,Little Luna is on-par with similar celestial names,Luna’s moonlit origins give her a subtle romantic appeal, similar to.How popular is the name Luna? Yes nice choice of name as Luna means moon in italian and as black cats get associated with nigh skies and full moon then it … Favourite answer.

She was born a girl.I love all things that have to do with nature and our world. It's extroardinarily shimmering and pale and moonlike. :).Gorgeous, light, fun name.