"It's my story, it's what happens when someone fights for freedom in America today,"

The Koranic agenda is to kill as many Kafirs.If the woman who murdered Emily Jane Bolton has been sectioned under the Mental Health Act there is a very strong chance that she may never be released, and if she is released she may be turned into a zombie by psychotropic drugs. I send my heartfelt condolences to Emily’s family and friends, but particularly to her parents, who were present in the park and her father, who was nearby,” Walsh said.“In my 20 years as a coroner this is one of the most tragic deaths that I have dealt with and the loss of a beautiful, innocent, lively, intelligent and lovely seven-year-old in these circumstances is an unimaginable tragedy. This claim is based on little more than speculation and is being spread by,Although police have not released the identity of the woman arrested, they did say that the approximately 30-year-old woman had a history of mental illness. Social media giants like Facebook and Twitter have blocked and shadow-banned our accounts. These fiends offer nothing of value to the civilized world. A 7-year-old named Emily Jones was decapitated in England by a Somali migrant.Emily Jones, 7, was killed by a stranger at a park in England in March 2020. Because never has the free world needed independent journalism more.Everyone who reads our reporting knows the Geller Report covers the news the media won't. God bless them.Islam is not a Theo-political construct, it is a Satanic Cult on the same level as the Satanic Jewish Babylonian Talmud agenda to kill the Gentile Goyim. Emily Jones, the victim, was riding her scooter in the Queen’s Park, Heaton while on an outing with her father when she was senselessly and viciously attacked by a 30-year-old Somali woman, English regional newspaper Bolton News reports. Our readers’ contributions make that possible.Geller Report's independent, investigative journalism takes a lot of time, money and hard work to produce.

With this information unknown, some social media users attempted to fill in the blanks by claiming, without evidence, that Jones had been killed by a Somali migrant. We must continue to report on the global jihad and the left's war on freedom.

Somali migrant.— Janice Atkinson #StayHomeSaveLives (@Janice4Brexit),Mark Jones and Sarah Barnes, during a tribute to their daughter, said: “Emily was 7-years-old, our only child and the light of our lives. I appreciate that Emily’s parents are beyond devastated and my sincere thoughts are with them at this enormously sad time,” Walsh added.You need to understand that these black angels from Heaven who never dindu nuffin wrong, are here to replace us white nazi evil demons from Hell and they hate us for our ugliness.

over the planned Islamic supremacist mega-mosque at Ground Zero.Have a tip we should know? Geller explained.Today Islamic supremacists are demanding more accommodation of Islamic principles Lke the jihad knife attack France, there’s no news coversage from the sharia-complaint media. The 30-year-old woman is now being held at a high-security detention center under the Mental Health Act.Shockingly, the nationality of Somali attacker was never mentioned by the UK’s mainstream press in what appears to have been an attempt to bury the story.Let us not forget that evil is allowed and encouraged to walk and murder amongst us.MSM reported her murder but not the perpetrator.

“This is Emily, 7, Who Was Stabbed to Death in a Bolton Park.

A seven-year-old British girl was stabbed to death by a Somali woman in a park on Mother’s Day, Sunday, March 22nd, a coroner was told during a court hearing.Emily Jones, the victim, was riding her scooter in the Queen’s Park, Heaton while on an outing with her father when she was senselessly and viciously attacked by a 30-year-old Somali woman, English regional newspaper Bolton News reports.Despite emergency services’ best attempts to save Emily’s life, she passed away about an hour later after she was rushed to the hospital.Following the horrific attack, the Somali murderer – who was not previously known to Emily or to parents – was arrested at the scene of the crime on suspicion of murder. Emily had such a cheeky smile and was beautiful inside and out. and practices than ever, and daily growing more aggressive in eroding our freedoms – with politically

Pandemic be damned, truth continues to be a casualty of media reportage.A seven-year-old British girl was stabbed to death by a Somali woman in a park on Mother’s Day, Sunday, March 22nd, a coroner was told during a court hearing.Emily Jones, the victim, was riding her scooter in the Queen’s Park, Heaton while on an outing with her father when she was senselessly and viciously attacked by a 30-year-old Somali woman, English regional newspaper Bolton News reports.Despite emergency services’ best attempts to save Emily’s life, she passed away about an hour later after she was rushed to the hospital.Following the horrific attack, the Somali murderer – who was not previously known to Emily or to parents – was arrested at the scene of the crime on suspicion of murder. Emily Jones, the victim, was riding