Make sure there’s a good brisk boil for the first 20 minutes and then turn the heat down to medium-low. I have never tried a sweet roly-poly with anything other than jam, and even then I will only use raspberry or blackcurant jam. Spotted Dick is a very simple pudding to make; it can be steamed in a basin or be rolled out like a sausage and covered in buttered foil and then steamed. At some point I’ll give the apple and prune one a try and put the recipes for them on here too.

For a 2 pint pudding basin, that serves 6 to 8 people: In a bowl, mix together the flour, baking powder, suet, sugar, currants and lemons. When it's evenly blended, add a few drops of cold water and start to mix with the knife, using curving movements and turning the mixture around.

Filed under baking, cooking, food, General, Meat, Puddings, Uncategorized, Tagged as Atora, baking, fat, pudding, suet, suet pudding, Suma. You need to squeeze and tuck the pastry into the bowl, pressing it well all around. Most commonly available is beef suet and it can be used in any recipe in the book.

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First, make the suet pastry. If you’re using a glass or porcelain basin, make a lid from a double sheet of pleated foil and secure with string. Can I substitute the wholemeal flour in Carrot Cake? Steak and Kidney Pudding with Steak and Kidney Gravy. Tie up the ends very securely, plunge it into a pan full of fast-boiling water and boil for 2 hours, being careful not to let water go off boil. If you add too much liquid add a bit more flour. Place the flat of your hands lightly on each end of the pin and begin to roll, re-dusting the pin and the surface lightly with flour if you need to stop the pastry sticking. It’s easiest to buy a plastic basin with a fitted lid. It was common to boil the roly-poly in a shirt sleeve, giving it the nick-name ‘dead man’s arm’. You can also buy lamb and pork suet – and sometime venison – which are all great when using the meat of the same animal in the filling (e.g. It feeds at least six people and is pretty good value for money – these sorts of wintertime desserts are supposed to warm and fill you.

If you find you have some thinner areas around the edges then just patch them with spare pastry.

Sit the rolled pudding on some greaseproof paper and fold the edge up in a pleat, tucking the edges under, making sure there is room for the pudding to expand. Leave one corner unsecured so you can pour a kettle of hot water inside, then secure the final edge. Atora is the iconic brand producing a shredded beef suet as well as a vegan alternative; these vegetable suets are made from palm oil and are therefore somewhat environmentally unfriendly.

After all this is a history blog, isn’t it? You can either serve the pudding by spooning portions straight out of the bowl, or slide a palette knife round the edge and turn the whole thing out on to a serving plate (which is more fun!). Pork suet is sometimes called flead or flare fat. You don’t want a pudding that is too sweet, the sweetness – I believe – should come from the currants and the custard that must be served with it (for a custard recipe, click here). To make a savoury or sweet suet pudding to serve 6, first sift 12 oz (350 g) of self-raising flour and salt into a large mixing bowl. What you need is a fairly thick circle about 13 inches (32.5 cm) in diameter, so give it quarter-turns as it expands and, provided you roll backwards and forwards, not side to side, it will roll out into a round shape. Step outside and re-discover a world of fun and adventure with Treasure Trails this autumn. Sometimes it takes the form of a roly-poly pudding with the currants and some brown sugar making the filling. (1) A pudding made in round layers, with preserves or treacle between…, (3) A game played with a certain number of pins and a ball…, James Orchard Halliwell-Phillips, A dictionary of archaic and provincial words Vol II, 1847. Personally, I prefer to use a basin. Suet is the essential fat in many British puddings, both sweet and savoury, as well as stuffings and dumplings, mincemeat at Christmastime and – of – course suet pastry. Here is my recipe for jam roly-roly poly, the suet pastry shouldn’t be sweet; the sweetness should come from the jam and custard (with which it is always served). Now secure it with string, making a little handle so that you can lift it out of the hot steamer. Dip a pudding cloth into boiling water, wring it out and flour it well; put the paste into it, roll up and leave enough room for the pudding to swell. Also I tend to reinforce the base of the pudding with pieces from the overhang, because although it's not traditional, I like to turn my puddings out. Spotted Dick is a great pudding because it lies somewhere in between a suet pudding and a sponge pudding and is borne of that period of prolific pudding invention: the Victorian Era. Fold the ends under to prevent the jam from escaping. He mentions Spotted Dick in passing when listing a typical week’s meals during tougher times. Other fillings can be done such as golden syrup, apples or prunes.

For a better experience on Delia Online website, enable JavaScript in your browser. Fresh suet can be minced at home or by your butcher or can be grated. Now abandon the knife, go in with your hands and bring it all together until you have a nice smooth elastic dough, which leaves the bowl clean.

Keep adding and incorporating until a dough begins to form, then start using your hands to form a soft, but not sticky dough. Fresh suet can be kept frozen for up to 3 months.

Then place it in a steamer over boiling water.

Zest 2 … Next time I do a pudding I will do it the old-fashioned way.