Geochim Cosmochim Acta 42:495–506, Di Beneditto AM, Ramos RMA, Siciliano S, Santos RA, Bastos G, Fagundesnetto E (2001) Stomach contents of delphinids from Rio de Janeiro, southeastern Brazil. Staging zones are unknown in northern South America during north migration, in the Caribbean basin, or on the Atlantic coastal plain of the U.S. A major staging area is identified in the Great Plains, where birds evidently prepare for a last remaining flight to the Arctic. ). Georeferenced sighting data for Atlantic spotted dolphins, pantropical spotted dolphins, and spinner dolphins occurring, between 1981 and 2016 in the Caribbean Basin, were compiled. protected area: governance for sustainable development. The thick horizontal line inside each box represents the median; the upper and lower borders of the box are the 25th and 75th, percentiles; the 5th and 95th percentiles are represented by the err. Department of Biological Sciences, Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia. Proc R Soc Lond B Biol Sci 266(1417):347–354, McMahon KW, Hamady LL, Thorrold SR (2013) A review of ecogeochemistry approaches to estimating movements of marine animals. They were placed on your computer when you launched this website.

in regions characterized by a steeper slope. With these two open-source developments, we invite others to freely use and contribute to the software. Techniques for cetacean–habitat modeling. We tested the null hypothesis that each species had similar, distributions of the environmental variables using the non-, parametric Kruskal–Wallis test followed by the Dunn test, distributional properties of the environmental layers where. Require these words, in this exact order. The SFBR, appears to be more suitable in its southern portion for. Specifically, we, ) to model the potential distribution of the three, ). Environ Intern 32:516–523, CAS  Despite cetaceans having been taken into account in these efforts, in practice the Colombian Program of Marine Fauna Observers, has been the main source of this type of information in recent, if uncertainty regarding cetacean occurrence and distribution in, With the aim of determining the potential distributions of. Vet Record 168(4):101, Giménez J, Gómez-Campos E, Borrell A, Cardona L, Aguilar A (2013) Isotopic evidence of limited exchange between Mediterranean and eastern North Atlantic fin whales. “Atlas de la Reserva de Biósfera Seaflower, Archipiélago de San Andrés, Providencia y Santa Catalina. We also collected nine skin biopsies in 2013 and 2014. implications from genetic barcoding analysis.

Hijmans, R. J., Phillips, S., Leathwick, J. R., and Elith, J. Ecological niche modeling of. Texas A and M Sea Grant College Program, pp 304, Giménez J, De Stephanis R, Gauffier P, Esteban R, Verborgh P (2011) Biopsy wound healing in long-finned pilot whales (Globicephala melas).

A comprehensive guide to their identification. threshold of equal test sensitivity and specificity.

The migration system of this small sandpiper makes the species vulnerable to loss of strategic migration habitats. de Aves e Mamíferos Marinhos, Instituto de Biociências, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil. This genetic evidence for population differentiation coupled to known biogeographic transition zones at Cape Hatteras, North Carolina and Cape Canaveral, Florida, USA, evidence of female philopatry, and preliminary support for significant genetic differences between previously documented morphotypes of Atlantic spotted dolphins in coastal and offshore waters all indicate that the biology and life history of this species is more complex than previously assumed. However, these analyses, have never been conducted in the region, despite some studies. The Atlantic Spotted Dolphin (Stenella frontalis) is a dolphin found in the Gulf Stream of the North Atlantic Ocean. Ethology 114(12):1183–1194, Quérouil S, Freitas L, Cascão I, Alves F, Dinis A, Almeida JR et al (2010) Molecular insight into the population structure of common and spotted dolphins inhabiting the pelagic waters of the Northeast Atlantic. In general, all three, species coincided in some areas, according to the overlap map, based on the threshold of equal test sensitivity and specificity, distributions in coastal areas of the southern and southeastern, Caribbean off Colombia, Venezuela, and surrounding areas, in the Antilles, as well as in the SFBR. Phillips, S. J., Anderson, R. P., Dudík, M., Schapire, R. E., and Blair, M. E. (2017).

Ann Rev Ecol Syst 18(1):293–320, Quérouil S, Silva MA, Cascão I, Magalhães S, Seabra MI et al (2008) Why do dolphins form mixed-species associations in the Azores?

= 204), pantropical spotted dolphin (red, = 210), three of which occurred inside the Seaflower Biosphere Reserve, and spinner dolphin (yellow, ), and after data cleaning 494 were kept (, Predicted potential distribution for the Atlantic spotted dolphin in the Caribbean Basin from the best ecological niche model.

Furthermore, these results have important management implications as European legislation promotes specific management plans for this species. Maps were exported in raster format, with continuous values and were interpreted from a percentage, of environmental suitability ranging from unsuitable (0%) to, highly suitable (100%). Basin, yet their patterns have been poorly studied. A multi-disciplinary, multi-scale approach that combines tools informing in the short-term (i.e. coastal region off mainland Colombia and more broadly, along the southeastern Caribbean, with oceanic areas and. Best practice recommendations are proposed here to ensure that novice and advanced SDM users can (a) understand the main elements of SDMs, (b) reproduce standard methods and analysis, and (c) identify potential limitations with their data. Academic Press, New York, pp 173–190, Peterson BJ, Fry B (1987) Stable isotopes in ecosystem studies. Atmospheric events. reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms. source, original grid resolution, and unit of measurement. Atlantic spotted dolphins and.