The ex­tant sub-or­ders are Mys­ticeti (baleen whales) and Odon­to­ceti (toothed whales). Most reported clinical experience has been developed through work with the bottlenose dolphin (.Since the preponderance of species found in zoologic parks, oceanaria, and rehabilitation settings are odontocetes, this chapter will focus only on their regular as well as medical care, particularly that of members of the families Delphinidae and Monodontidae.Despite many anatomical, physiological, and ecological features obviously associated with life at sea, pinnipeds are best regarded as amphibious. The list is organized taxonomically into parvorders, superfamilies when applicable, families, subfamilies when applicable, genus, and then species. There are 150,000 individuals in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean. Crude estimates, obtained by surveying small areas and extrapolating the result to all the world's oceans, range from 200,000 to 2,000,000 individuals,Arnoux's beaked whales seem to be relatively abundant in Cook Strait during summer,Virtually nothing is known about the abundance of Baird's beaked whales, except they are not rare as was formerly thought,Nothing is known about the relative abundance of this species or its population composition,Because of the difficulty of identifying the species the total global population is unknown,Total population is unknown but likely to be of the order of 10,000,A 2002 survey estimates there are 766 animals around,As of August 2018, the Araguaian river dolphin is not recognized by the,Estimates give values of 1,100 Indus river dolphins and maybe as few as 20 Ganges river dolphins.Pilleri, G., Marcuzzi, G. and Pilleri, O., 1982. These toothed whales are notable for their elongated beaks. Their body is fusiform (spindle-shaped). Ambulocetus natans. As the name implies, they tend to be found in the open seas, unlike the,The Delphinidae are characterized by having distinct,The Monodontidae lack dorsal fins, which have been replaced by tough, fibrous ridges just behind the midpoints of their bodies and are probably an adaptation to swimming under ice, as both do in their.The dwarf and pygmy sperm whales resemble sperm whales, but are far smaller. Several species have only been described in the last two decades. Thus, timing and location of breeding for land-breeding phocids and otariids are generally similar. Endothermy is a synapomorphy of the Mammalia, although it may have arisen in a (now extinct) synapsid ancestor; the fossil record does not distinguish these possibilities.

The extant sub-orders are,Cetaceans inhabit all of the world's oceans, as well as some freshwater lakes and rivers in South America, North America, and Asia. Captive dolphins (family Delphinidae) commonly exercise food taste discrimination that is comparable to the human ability, in spite of the fact that the presence of taste buds in cetaceans has not been demonstrated. The reduction of various appendages as mentioned above also,The most important mechanism in cetacean thermoregulation is the development of,In general, whales have relatively large mouths. One survey estimated a population of about 11,000 in the eastern Pacific,There is not enough data to place finless porpoises on the endangered species list,There are no good estimates of the animals' abundance. Ecotourism implies that there are existing programs that profit from the appreciation of natural areas or animals.animals that use metabolically generated heat to regulate body temperature independently of ambient temperature. Cetacea exhibits many different kinds of behavior. Nicknamed "Goddess of the Yangtze" in China, the dolphin is also called Chinese river dolphin, Yangtze River dolphin, whitefin dolphin and Yangtze dolphin.