Xbox control feel's comfortable also. feel right at home and acually more accurate than ive ever been with the ds4. Personally I like the Xbox One's controller more. LOL, but do go ramble on, please.go insert some more aa batteries into a controller made in 2013,rechargeable batteries have been the normal for a fucking decade a literal decade this isn't the 90's this isn't niche anymore this is the real world were living in,the batteries recharge now a days kings thats just how technology evolves.You won't perform worse with it as it's not a worse controller. This means there is absolutely no need for additional hardware material for the controller … Destin and Alfredo debate about which controller they prefer to use for first person shooters.I've always preferred the PS3/PS4 controller, asymmetrical analogs just aren't my thing. The triggers on the bone sucks bad.They're both pretty good for fps but i prefer the ds4 as the triggers are better for shooters. Xbox One vs. PS4 - Which Is The Best FPS Controller?

subconsciously it makes more sense for a thumb to be placed upward in order to move a character forward.easier to push up/ go forward with less effort/ more natural with 360 / xb1 controller.As a owner of both the 360 and PS4 I can say much about the sticks. So good that its 'almost' better than 360's controller.I prefer the X1 controller but its not a night/day thing. And the D-Pad for 2D games is fantastic. I can play with it easily. I can game on either... Can't say I have a preference. If it doesn’t vibrate, you either have a bad cable or the driver isn’t installed. The DS4 is a great controller. Ryse: Son of Rome, Lords of the Fallen, Ultra Street Fighter IV) and thus use the Xbox’s ABXY button prompts.I love customization, so I give the DS4 (and the creators of DS4Windows, of course) a lot of points for it. ).I just wish I liked the DualShock 4 more, because I'd prefer to use something hacked onto the PC over Microsoft's unenthusiastic PC support.

If You Believe Microsoft, Buying Bethesda Isn't About Exclusivity.I am wondering how did you find the ds4.Is it good for FPS games?Is it better than xbox one?Better. The Xbox 360 and Xbone controllers are what we're expected to use by most games, and I'm all for being defiant. Now take that mastery a step further and get the Elite version.That only happened with the initial batch of DS4's, happened to my launch controller, but my other controllers that have seen more use are still perfectly fine and the rubber is still completely in tact.i love the XBOX ONE controller but man, those triggers are the worst.Better, the triggers aren't slanted crap like the Xbox One controller and the bumpers aren't the worst thing ever.The DS4 is worse than the XB1 controller in every way possible.Yep, the analog sticks. I would say it's as solid as 360 controller, and infinitely better than the cheap previous DS models.Not even close. The headphone plugging into the ds4 is awesome.Played Kllzone like crazy this whole week.. but I like how nobody bothered to talk about the X1 pulse triggers. But i haven't held any of the new controllers yet so will wait and see......Bonus mouse and keyboard is comfortable also just saying ;),Definelty the X1 controller for FPS games no doubt.i prefer the DS4 to the xbox one controller ( yes i have tested both ).... but i have a system i'll use the xbox one controller for my xbox one and my Dualshock 4 for my playstation 4.. but thats just me.....Am I the only one that can switch from one controller to the other without any hassle whatsoever?good to see that they admit it in the end...I held both, and they both fell natural. It also helps its case that recent multi-platform games I’ve played are based on the Xbox 360 or Xbox One version (e.g. Which IMO is one of the greatest experiences & major factors for FPS. The people who argue that the off-axis is better are just people that use the 360 style controller more since the 360 has more shooter-centric games.Really just depends of preference at the end of the day but I don't like people who call the DS despite them most likely not complaining about it in the PS/PS2 days.I can see where people got the DS3 hate from when they removed the rumble and just had the sixaxis the DS3 was slightly smaller and much lighter than the DS2.

The PS4's DualShock 4 has several advantages over the Xbox One controller. PS4 vs. Xbox One Native Resolutions and Framerates Comparison Chart This … I personally liked the DS3 and had no problems with it at all and think like the other guys here said asymmetrical analogs are weird as hell.

I find the higher part of the controller more comfortable for my thumbs—it's where they naturally rest—so I prefer the raised left stick. I have medium/big hands and play FPS type games. While the DS4 feels nice and is Sony best controller to date, the Xbox One controller just fits like a glove. AA batteries and all.I haven't used the X1 pad enough to make an honest judgement.Honest question: do those with both prefer the X1 pad to the 360? Battery life isn't an issue as long as you plug it in while you're not playing it. Other than general comfort, I find the analog sticks to be more precise on the DS4 (the X1's controller has noticeable dead zones, and seem looser to me) and easier to click for sprinting. Unlike the Xbox One controller which only features Bluetooth in its newer models, all PS4 controllers come equipped with this feature. If yours are, then you might prefer it, but I usually use controllers for third-person action games like Lords of the Fallen where I largely ignore the D-pad.