While IEEE will make galley proofs available to this author through a web link, fax could be used as an alternative communication for special situations.Edit and complete the various fields as needed and click on the Save button at the bottom of the page.The title of the paper and the complete list of authors are preloaded from the database (possibly after having been updated in the previous step). To submit a paper to a conference, follow the link "Submit a contribution" for the conference. The resubmission of a Conditionally accepted paper will keep the original paper ID, but the Version number is incremented. Authors are discouraged from submitting a revision of a rejected paper.If you decide to submit a revision anyway, the submission must be accompanied by a separate file with a clear response to the AE’s summary and the reviews, including indications of how the paper has been modified in response. Make sure to have the latest templates and do not change the formatting in any way. In both cases, the previous submission and related review material will be automatically linked to the current resubmission in the system.If the resubmission was successful, a message is displayed on screen and an acknowledgment email is sent to your address (cc: to all other co-authors).A rejection decision signals to authors that a mere revision of the paper is also likely to be rejected. The 16th International Conference on Control & Automation (ICCA 2020), will be held at the Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan, July 6-9, 2020. Detailed instructions are available on PaperCept. During the registration process, you will be asked to enter the submission number of the papers you want to upload. Robotics is here defined to include intelligent machines and systems; whereas automation includes the use of automated methods in various applications to improve performance and productivity. The first page of the wizard will show a message confirming that copyright has been transferred. For this purpose the iThenticate tool provides the editorial board with a similarity report for each contribution. The 16th International Conference on Control & Automation (IEEE ICCA 2020).The conference is featured with Best Paper Award and Best Student Paper Award.The Keynote Lectures will be delivered by:Past IEEE ICCA Proceedings have been included in EI Compendex, IEEE Xplore and ISI Proceedings.https://controls.papercept.net/conferences/scripts/start.pl,Deadline for Full Paper & Invited Session Proposal submission,•       Robert Bitmead, University of California, San Diego, USA,•       Christos Cassandras, Boston University, USA,•       Jie Huang, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China,•       Ian Petersen, Australian National University, Australia,•       Jing Sun, University of Michigan, USA,•       Jifeng Zhang, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China. You can browse the Final Submission page to see the actual details.Follow the links in the Final Submission page to complete each of the steps. For the first submissions to a conference, you need a Personal Identification Number (PIN) for each author. world to present the latest research findings and ideas in the areas of control and automation, and Use a free text format if several conferences were involved.Check the existing and/or supply suitable (additional) index terms.Specify here just the format of the source files of your final paper. The society sponsors a number of conferences, including the annual International Conference on Robotics and Automation. In this step, you will be taken to the IEEE Electronic Copyright Form site by clicking on the Continue button.If you cannot access the IEEE site then please return later. ".If you do not click on the "Return" button on this final page then T-RO PaperCept is unable to determine that copyright was transferred and you will not be able to complete the final submission.a) Read this if you are not authorized to transfer the copyright yourself.If you are not authorized to transfer the copyright of this publication yourself but need another person in your organization to do this then please access the IEEE copyright wizard by clicking on the Continue button and supply the correct answers to its questions. Only LaTeX or MS Word (or compatible) are accepted. IEEE-TAC Refresh About. You can look up your co-authors' PINs, or, if necessary, register new PINs, at this step.Enter the Title and Abstract (no more than 1200 chars, without TeX or HTML commands).Enter the Keywords (using also the list of RAS subject areas).Three of them must be chosen from the list of T-RO keywords, while the fourth may either be chosen from the list or typed in freely.If a preliminary version of the paper has been (or is going to be) presented at conference(s), specify in a compact way which one(s); these conference papers should be explicitly cited in the present journal submission, with a clear statement describing the differences/changes/additions.If the submission is a revision of a paper originally handled through the old T-RO review system (up to 2007) OR is a full revision of a paper that was rejected in T-RO PaperCept (from 2008), provide the former paper ID.Enter 'no' in any of these fields, if the related conditions do not apply.Enter a Cover Note with a brief message to the EiC. Make sure that your browser has cookies enabled. Step 0: To upload your final paper to NANO2020 in PaperCept, you first need to register for the conference via PaperCept. This file is submitted in the last step of the submission process, when your paper is uploaded. The resubmission of a paper with a Revise decision will receive a new paper ID.

IEEE L-CSS: IEEE Control Systems Letters To submit a paper to IEEE L-CSS, log in to access your workspace. The generated similarity index is calculated out of all scores against documents in the CrossCheck database.