Laboratory tests for renal and hepatic function should be carried out during prolonged therapy.

Clindamycin works by stopping the infection-causing bacteria from multiplying. Date of first authorisation/renewal of the authorisation.
Although antibiotic-associated colitis can occur with most antibacterials, it occurs more frequently with clindamycin. What Are The Possible Complications After A Root Canal Treatment?

It is common for the patient to experience nausea/vomiting, diarrhea and pain in the abdominal region.

One important fact regarding the dosage of this antibiotic is that, it may vary from person to person depending upon certain factors.

about a month past by and just last week I realized my gum bleeding (a problem I have had for years) just dissapeared. after 2-3 days it went down and eventually got better within a week.

In patients with moderate to severe hepatic impairment the half life is prolonged, but when giving the dose every 8 hours, accumulation is rarely seen. Clindamycin has no or negligible influence on the ability to drive and use machines. anyone had similar problem?

One important precaution that a patient must exercise before taking Clindamycin, is about informing the health care provider about his/her medical history. I do not have the money for this so I went to a Dental Clinic for people without much income. Diagnosis is usually made by the recognition of the clinical symptoms, but can be substantiated by endoscopic demonstration of pseudomembranous colitis. Clindamycin cannot readily be removed from the blood by haemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis.

They told me I would have to come back tomorrow since I had not filed out my paperwork the day before...anyway they did take an x-ray of the tooth and said it was infected and I needed a root canel.....but I would have to come back another day....they did manage to give me a prescription for Cylindamycin and tylenol-3. Clostridium difficile associated diarrhoea (CDAD) has been reported with use of nearly all antibacterial agents, including clindamycin, and may range in severity from mild diarrhoea to fatal colitis. To begin with, we would know about the working of the antibiotic, its recommended dosage, possible side effects, and precautions to follow before using the medication. the doctor recomended it as the swelling was to big. However, there are a few side effects that may occur. Take your doses every six hours so that it is evenly spaced throughout the day. Amoxicillin, clindamycin or other antibiotics for tooth infection are prescribed by the dentist before to start the dental treatment. Using clindamycin to treat tooth infection is a great resource, otherwise, the infection can spread to other areas of the body. Get in touch with us and we'll talk... One of the basic necessities of pathogens such as bacteria to grow and multiply in the host is their ability to make certain proteins known as ribosomes.

Depending on the results, this measure can make a reduction in dosage or an increase in the dose interval of 8 or even 12 hours necessary. no real side effects to speak of at this point; happy about that, but I dont want to tempt fate. Orally and parenterally administered clindamycin has been reported to appear in human breast milk in ranges from 0.7 to 3.8 μg/ml. My dentist tried to ease the pain but infection seeped into my face. Clindamycin is an antibiotic which is given to treat serious bacterial infections.

If you want to get notified by every reply to your post, please register. Clindamycin is an antibiotic of the lincosamide family, that is an effective kind of antibiotic. What Will Your Dentist Do When You Have A Tooth Infection?