The woman born under the zodiac star sign of Aquarius is usually very irresistible to the Virgo man. She could care less what her friends are doing, what they think about her or about you for that matter. and some fallen Caps Aquamen and fish.

But wanting him to miss you by ignoring him may not be the answer.

Ps.. My Virgo woman and I do have love for each other and have a great bond and friendship… but it was not easy between us – we had our challenges as do many people. I decided to end that relationship. It was such a beautiful thing, it’s like we took each others breath away.

How to tell if a virgo woman is interested in you - 2 years. I am a very easy going and open minded aquarius and do not judge people at all (until they rub me the wrong way). I don’t like when he pulls aways from me though.

He may seem dull and conservative, but if one merely scratches the surface, one will find a wealth of fascinating information that he has spent years acquiring. An Aquarius woman is interested in theory, and a Virgo man is interested in practical application. While you spent too much time achieving things for others in the past, you are here to create for yourself in this lifetime, yet you must still serve the world in some way.Confidence is another key concept for you. SHe mentioned that it was weird to her (why? Begin your journey and others may follow you, for you have strong leadership ability. Not long after that, he started pulling away. We always had great conversations about various topics, shared the same moral foundations and there was just this unspoken connection between a Virgo woman who recently met a wonderful Aquarius man. In previous incarnations you dissipated your energies on social engagements and utopian causes, you should now dedicate yourself to using all your creative energy to achieving some great goal for the good of mankind. It is hard to predict what will happen from there because this will be a rather unusual combination. He saw things in me that nobody else did and approached with admiration. After a few days and persistent attention from him I noticed I couldn’t remain cool and collective, I became nervous but didn’t want him to see that because I didn’t think he would consider me, as well as I don’t want to ruin a workplace with a fling. Our situation is tough because she has kids and is older than me but this doesn’t affect the way I feel, not at all. But we divorced. I am a very Virgo female and can be quite anxious and worry about why he has not called me instead of just giving him his space. He tells me he will be there for me in every step of life except marriage. if we have an argument. Later, read that we are not compatible. They are not very subtle about letting people know that they have hurt theirs feelings. I have lots of faults im im argumentative and he hates that i get the higher ground . we brought out the best in each other, along with the worst. The more knowledge they have about each other’s sexual preferences the better.This, in turn, will lead to a deep and loving relationship. Then after years of being friends, we became intimate after a trip out of town. He expressed to me that he had desires for me, for a long time. .Thanks for the feedback. He is shy, and she rarely approaches anyone, so even the act of meeting will pose a challenge. Our chemistry is off the charts and we a very healthy spiritual connection. Went on the best first date ever (for me anyway). It wasn’t until earlier this year that we started to talk more and more, and I began liking him more and more. Last time he came to visit me his heart was beating so fast and he couldn’t look me in the eye and he looked depressed too but the words that came out of his mouth were very harsh.
If they are to be successful in their marriage, they really need to make a conscious effort to find what they have in common.Yet, in their favor, a Virgo man is devoted to his relationships, and an Aquarius woman is steadfast once she makes a commitment. It feels like a dance, like I’m mesmerized by him. We understand that we both have ambitions and give each other the space needed to get things done. I have never experienced that with any other sign and I think you made that connection in your analysis. We dated exactly one year a ago an abruptly he didn’t wanted to be with me after 5 dates. sometimes I wonder if I’m wasting my time due to the whole distance thing but then at other times I feel content & give him his space while I enjoy mine. He is my love, my best friend…..My prayers have been answered….Thanks for providing such accurate information about virgo woman and aqua man.nancy i have a question for you iam dating a scoripo man but i like this aquarius man i am a virgo woman so how does this work waht can i do he likes me as well but they are both tempermental i need your help please,Hi Nancy, I’ve commented here before but thought I might send an update: my Virgo Lady and I got married last month! I didn’t see it coming. The love will grow and remember while your looking for trust so is he, he just wants to feel it in a best friend way!! But hopefully we have long lasting relationships.. On the other hand, my heart is with her. That is my best friend… they say aquarius and virgos are not compatible but I know first hand its not true!U an a single mom and have not dated in over 10 years. I just want her to know that as an aquarius male and who I am as a person I truly want to be everything she wants & needs. I am an Aqua man and I am held over heels for a Virgo woman. H… On the one hand, she has kids so putting her job in jeopardy would be uncool on my end. He will know a particular facet of the subject area in great detail, and she will have a quirky and unusual approach to it. I also feel when he needs space or when i’m giving him too much attention. I am so much happier!! However, Aquarians are practical and deep, therefore view geminis as SHALLOW people, yet view virgos as proficient and competent individuals. His family was not approving of the relationship they wanted him to have an arranged marriage(basically marry girl they choose).
Sex is phenominal. Overall, what you should keep in mind when being met with a Virgo man’s ignorance is to be as level headed as he is. I think I may like him alot too!I feel so bad for avoiding his texts but mama’s gotta study!