So in the case of Tanzanite the cut is doubly important when pricing.If you have done any sort of research into colored gemstones and their value, you will have come across the old adage, 'color is king', and tanzanite is no different. It also helps prevent things such as hives or rashes.Individuals who suffer from an addiction to alcohol or drugs may use the stone to relieve the pain of withdrawal. These individuals will find that the psychic properties of this crystal are increased.Indigo Tanzanite is most connected to those born between January 20 and February 18. It can help to remove any obstacles which prevent enlightenment.The energy of the stone often has a lasting impact on one’s level of consciousness. The best way to clean tanzanite gemstones is by using soapy water and a soft cloth. Those who work with this stone should ground themselves often to prevent a buildup of residual energy.The stone has the ability to raise the psychic senses to a high level. Tanzanite Uses. Making this one very Powerful stone, as it also offers protections while on this journey.Excellent for meditation as it increases spiritual awareness, and helps one to be more sensitive to psychic experience. Tiffany and Co. in New York created settings to display these beautiful indigo stones.The first pieces of Tanzanite could be particularly expensive. Since then the mines have seen natural disasters, looting by gangs, nationalization before a recent period of settlement has led to a consistent supply of the gems.Things get a little murky however when we discover that in the U.S. Gemological Survey records, it lists an identification of a blue zoisite crystal by Dr. William Pecora in 1959. Use Edit. This primary blue is more difficult to achieve than the purple and results in a smaller stone.Both colors are beautiful and valuable but blue just reaches a slightly higher price.Tanzanite was only discovered in the 1960 so it does not have a long spiritual history but its formation and discovery reveal an intangible link to the metaphysical. Opinions differ on how long the deposits of tanzanite found here will last, 10 years, 20 years, it is only a matter of decades before they run out. It can also make the physical senses acuter.Tanzanite increases one’s capacity for divine love, and it strengthens compassion. The stone may be a bit 'fat' at the back (pavilion) which increases the weight but will spoil the sparkle. Tanzanite belongs to the epidote mineral group. It helps solve questions related to the meaning of life, and in coming to terms with oneself.Tanzanite allows one to more easily speak the heart's truth with all the resourcefulness and eloquence the mind can conjure, and makes the process consistently easier over time.Tanzanite stimulates the Throat, Third Eye and Crown Chakras, uniting the higher mind with intuition and communication.Tanzanite carries a predominant blue crystal energy that stimulates the.Tanzanite is also the most effective stone for linking and attuning the Heart Chakra to the Third Eye. Tanzanite is a rare and beautiful gemstone and the price should reflect this. It vibrates in tandem with the throat, Third Eye, and crown chakras.In all cases, Tanzanite helps to unify body and spirit. However do not be tempted to buy a lesser quality gem just because it is 'big'.Ca2Al2(SiO4)3(OH) Calcium aluminium silicate,Orthorhombic, multifaced prisms, mostly striated.The largest selection of gemstone articles online...See an extensive selection of articles about birthstones,Fascinating details of ancient gemstones facts and stories,Learn about the healing effects of different gemstones.From buying tips to price details, all you need to know...Find helpful articles on how things are done in gemstone...Useful charts and list as reference and lookup recourse,The easy way to find the gemstones sorted by color.Did you know this fact about that gemstone?Find gemstone information by specific locations.Learn about technical details and facts surrounding the...Find the gemstones for a specific date and time.It was super easy to find what we wanted.