The organization held a Trotskyist critique of nominally socialist states, which i… That was a quote from a top European capitalist after the Italians voted in a right wing populist government. As with the union movement in the US, these parties’ collapse was due to the capitulation of its leadership. As for the bureaucratic maneuvers: When Taaffe & Co. found themselves in the minority inside the CWI, they engineered a coup in order to keep control over the CWI’s assets. Despite the fact that Corbyn didn’t heed Taaffe’s brilliant advice, Taaffe then turned around and claimed that “we [the Socialist Party] had a decisive effect in influencing many workers and youth to support Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership challenge… we played a decisive role.”1 Corbyn and even more so the tens of thousands of youth who joined the LP must have been much relieved to then hear Taaffe “openly declaring our willingness to join” the LP. Prior to the February convention, the ISO was engaged in a protracted internal discussion of the political implications of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s election to Congress.

Our task is to learn from both the accomplishments and the mistakes, as well as from the present movement of the world working class. that history is reviewed. However, it did not believe that necessary conditions for a revolutionary party in the United States were met; ISO believed that it was preparing the ground for such a party. The document from FM revived a 2013 charge of sexual assault against a member of the ISO, who had been elected to the new SC. The ones that might be most useful include: “Britain Votes to Leave the EU – what it means” by Roger Silverman. It is pure idealism, it is a violation of the very method of Marxism, to think that the same can be repeated under the very different conditions of today. At the 2014 ISO convention, the proceedings and outcome of the case were reported to the membership. Many Trotskyist groups and individuals also accommodated themselves to the Stalinists. Full timers were being driven into the ground raising money and trying to recruit new members. “Left Voice’s”  is but the latest. Yes, it was unclear what the Labour Party (LP) had become, was becoming. Todd C., one of the main advocates for the ISO’s dissolution in the newly elected ISO leadership, took the occasion of Sanders’ speech—which essentially defined “democratic socialism” as a culmination of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s New Deal—to announce his support for Sanders in the 2020 Democratic Party primaries on Facebook: I believe that anti-racist, working-class, feminist, internationalist socialists can disagree with Bernie about any number of things (and they shouldn’t be quiet about it), and I respect anyone who remains wary of the U.S. electoral system in general and/or who believes the Democratic Party in specific will get the better of us (as I argued for nearly 30 years).

As Trotsky once said of the opportunist organizations of his day, “The great events which rush upon mankind will not leave of these outlived organizations one stone upon another.” This has proved to be the fate of the ISO.

In 1982, I met a representative of the Committee for a Workers International (CWI) who was traveling around the United States looking for people who would build a group here.

That is a result of the decades-long history of defeats they have suffered. Also signing the statement was Julie Fain, the managing editor of Haymarket Books and the wife of Jesse Sharkey, the CTU president.

In the final analysis, the breakup of the ISO reflects the impact of the intensifying social crisis, and the initial manifestations of class struggle, on the politically bankrupt organizations of the pseudo-left.

I think now that a real working class international will develop much more like the First International did – the “International Workingman’s Association. I feel bad for the writers of this who've had to slog through the countless statements and articles on socialistworker and try to make sense of the whole thing. (As I said, in my experience, the CWI was not alone in this delusion.). The breakup of the CWI comes shortly after the collapse of the US’s largest socialist group – International Socialist Organization (ISO). The connections between these two events couldn’t be more apparent. I was in constant open conflict with the leadership, mainly over their refusal to really lead a fight against the contractors.

I think that they miss the mark. And answer these questions he did: The LP was dead. But how can a revolutionary socialist group become the central leadership of the working class other than in a revolutionary situation?

They had successfully marginalized most of the organization’s longest standing leaders and could have—one would have thought—devised a way forward from the March crisis that would have preserved the organization. Here is my view, based on my experiences. MEMBERS AND recent ex-members of the International Socialist Organization (ISO) have decided to dissolve the organization and end publication … The chronology of the crisis leaves no doubt that the collapse was instigated by a factional conspiracy organized by a section … Rather, there was a long, long period in which the socialist movement became divorced from the working class, at least here in the United States. In 2017, the CERSC paid out nearly $900,000 in wages and benefits.