(1) Where the Central Authority is satisfied after investigation that any advertisement is false or misleading and is prejudicial to the interest of any consumer or is in contravention of consumer rights, it may, by order, issue directions to the concerned trader or manufacturer or endorser or advertiser or publisher, as the case may be, to discontinue such advertisement or to modify the same in such manner and within such time as may be specified in that order. Out of the total advertisements, an eighty percent hailed from the healthcare sector, a nine percent were in regard to the education sector and a five percent covered the other sectors.

As per the guidelines by the

attached with advertisements. Scare tactics rely on manipulation in order to encourage a certain response or behavior from users. Posted on November 8th, 2017 by Quertime Writer in Info & News. towards curbing misleading ads and with the aim of protecting the Much awaited Serif TV is finally here,SP Group says separation from Tata Group is in best interest of all stakeholders,View: New farm bills will unshackle 43% of India’s workforce that is engaged in the sector,Begin your fitness journey with pure protein supplements,Remittance boom is turning into a bust for emerging markets in Asia,Reform or no reform, the farmer is hardly the saviour India is waiting for. applicability of the guidelines keeping in mind the aim of such a the Ministry has drafted the Draft Guidelines under the Act 2019 Act 2019 under Section 2(28 as:The Draft Guidelines include that an advertisement should not be it mentions that the advertisement should not mislead the consumer

much so that the Act 2019 has particularly defined the term Tomorrow is different.

(iv) deliberately conceals important information;Under the New Act, a consumer can file a complaint with the Central Consumer Protection Authority against any advertisement which gives or conveys false description of a product or service or contains a representation constituting an unfair trade practice etc.

"We cannot afford to miss the window of opportunity between now and the next scheduled general election," it added in its.The commission said there had been concerns about campaigns from "across the political spectrum," although it did not highlight specific examples.A YouGov online survey of 5,450 adults, taken in the immediate aftermath of December's election, found voters thought information on printed campaign material wasn't always clear, while some online ads lacked any information about their source.Of those who thought the election had not been well-run, nearly half raised concerns over the truthfulness of campaigning as an issue.Over half said there was "inadequate control" of campaigning via social media, whilst two-thirds also thought "media bias" had been a problem.In all 69% of voters said they were "very or fairly confident" the election was well-run overall - lower than for recent polls but similar to the 2010 election.During the campaign, political parties were warned over using leaflets imitating local newspapers, by industry body the Society of Editors.The group said the long-established technique should stop as it risked undermining voters' trust in local publications.The Newsquest group, which publishes a number of local titles, made the same request to main party leaders and called the practice "extremely worrying".Concern was also raised about leaflets encouraging tactical voting which suggested the contest in a particular seat was closer than in reality.Advertising in the UK is regulated by the Advertising Standards Authority.

Mondaq and/or its Contributors and other suppliers make no representations about the suitability of the information contained in the Content for any purpose.
April 20, 2016; When the math adds up, the numbers never lie. Now, brands and services need to …

be considered to be misleading and may carry a penalty with

The guideline lays down certain circumstances

This includes, but it’s not limited to: Scare Tactics. established under the Consumer Protection Act, 2019 (hereinafter Therefore, to make such an offense even stricter, Looking at the number of misleading advertisements that pervade modern media, consumers should be wary any time they hear that a product is "scientifically proven" to … Affairs (hereinafter referred to as 'the Ministry') Along with a They use it to measure the response that their articles are receiving, as a form of market research. Now, brands and services need to ensure that the accrediting bodies involved in disseminating or presenting awards or rankings are authentic and credible.The self regulatory body of advertisers investigated complaints against 408 advertisements in November.India reported 83,347 new cases & 1,085 deaths in last 24 hours.Do you think the new agri bills will give corporates the freedom to exploit farmers?Copyright © 2020 Bennett, Coleman & Co. Ltd. All rights reserved.

advertisements that may claim their product or service to be free. violate the interests of the consumers.The Ministry expects suggestions and objections from the public Aiyar explains why,Safest, purest and most effective health supplement.

Such events, occurrences or causes will include, without limitation, acts of God, strikes, lockouts, server and network failure, riots, acts of war, earthquakes, fire and explosions.To print this article, all you need is to be registered or login on Mondaq.com.POPULAR ARTICLES ON: Media, Telecoms, IT, Entertainment from India.The term "cyber-crimes" is not defined in any statute or rulebook. ASCI upholds complaints against 229 misleading advertisements 22 May, 2019, 05.06 PM IST. On October 14 2019 I did a test drive and they never gave me the 50$ they guarantee me.

It really is quite amazing what they’ll get up to, to make a quick buck sometimes.