Providing recycling bins with clear signage is a necessity. 5. How to Plan a Sustainable Event takes you step-by-step through the planning process, addressing issues such as. The EIC Sustainable Event Standards are a collection of six (6) specific standards that assess events and industry suppliers on a wide range of sustainability criteria in support of environmental and social responsibility. It was such a pleasure to work with Carole (and Legacy) from beginning to end of this project. Food with a small carbon footprint includes chicken, turkey and pork as well as vegetables. By facilitating PowerPoint presentations and including all speaker and exhibitor details on your website or app, you will minimise the need for promotional handouts. The report examined the current state of 10 areas of impact and provided recommendations to improve the events sustainability performance. An eco-friendly or “green” event takes into consideration the environmental impact of the event, suppliers and the companies represented. As such the following ten key sustainability trends are what we are predicting to happen in the event industry by 2020.

Organisations in the meetings industry will become more strategic about how and where they donate their time and money, with many organisations streamlining their donations to one or two key charities with clear links to their brand values and culture. Each one is bespoke and tailored to your specific requirements. Using on-site check-in and badge printing solutions will also help your events’ green credentials. We help organisations plan and deliver sustainable events that create positive change in the world. Please fill in this form and one of our team will contact you to arrange a demonstration. The demand for locally-produced, organic, Fairtrade and sustainable options will continue to grow in the global events industry, with new research showing that sustainable menus improve overall delegate satisfaction. The Legacy workshop really opened my eyes to how I can make a difference in a way that was accessible, interesting and creative. We were delighted when the Legacy team joined us at our event, it was great to meet them!

Today, the technology sector is leading with best practices demonstrated from global giants such as Symantec, Oracle, Cisco and Intel. By planning an eco-friendly event, you plan to waste as little energy, water and natural resources as possible as well as limit greenhouse gas emissions and general waste. Join us online on 22nd April 2020 as we tackle ways to make your venue more sustainable – for the planet, for your PR and for your bottom line! It’s your opportunity to learn how Eventsforce can help you meet your organisational goals, to see how it works, and to ask any questions. Organisers will be thinking “cradle to cradle” and integrating sustainable principles into their initial event design concepts, ensuring that event structures are made from materials that can easily and cheaply be reused, recycled and repurposed. We are platform-agnostic and will select the platform that is best for you and your event requirements. The best way we can describe the Legacy team would be ‘awesome’ and we cant recommend them highly enough! With sustainability and social responsibility on the forefront of minds these days, many event organisers are taking substantial measures to reduce their carbon footprint. By 2020, sustainability will be a key factor in all purchasing decisions and procurement teams will be playing an increasingly important role in driving and managing a more sustainable supply chain. These developments aside from improving environmental sustainability, will also improve attendee experiences, build stronger communities and generate significant cost-savings. TMRW@Davis House, 2 Robert Street, Croydon CR0 1QQ. Green events can also help improve your profile with attendees and as an environmentally conscious event planner. It’s the start of the year, and as seems to be in fashion, it’s time for us to share some thoughts about what’s coming up in the sustainable events world in the next few years. Good work. With resources, standards and tools becoming more readily available, and with more clients citing sustainability as critical, corporates will become more strategic and focused on the sustainability of their events. Not all virtual event platforms are created equal. By 2020, we’ll have made good progress in reducing the amount of waste produced by an event and diverting that waste away from landfills. There will be a growth in national and regional sustainable event standards, and we will also see a rise in destinations such as Barcelona that obtain independent verification of their sustainability management with certification systems such as Biosphere and Earthcheck. Sustainable Event MOT We have developed an event specific, audit methodology which reviews environmental and social impact covering our 9 key thematic areas. Here are a few steps to take towards organising a greener event: Often, little changes have the largest impact. Don’t forget this information also needs to be updated on your website, social media and blogs too. I have already taken some huge steps and I feel grateful to have a supporting document (the action plan) to keep taking more actions in future months even though this course is finished. Abena was organised, responsive and flexible to the needs of the client, producing work of high quality and instilled a professional approach in the team working on the project.