Lee Norman, chief medical officer at the University of Kansas Hospital and a surgeon in the 35th Infantry Division of Task Force Spartan, says getting a flu shot is part of the job.“We just did 11,000 mandatory flu shots in the last 10 days with my infantry division. There is consensus that all health care workers should receive the influenza vaccine annually, 1 – 4 but the actual vaccination rates in this group remain below 50%. Some people can be infected with the flu virus but have no symptoms; during this time, these individuals may still spread the virus to others.During the 2018 to 2019 flu season in the US, there were 37.4 to 42.9 million flu illnesses, 17.3 to 20.1 million healthcare provider visits and 531,000 to 647,000 hospitalizations related to the flu, and 36,400 to 61,200 flu-related deaths, according to the CDC. The definition of healthcare worker does not include volunteers. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) sued a hospital that declined to grant religious exemptions for six employees who refused the flu vaccine. The proposed bill would establish a 20-member commission called the “Citizen’s Commission on Jobs, Trade and Democracy,”,Comprehensive inspections will increasingly focus on “identifying and controlling health hazards,” particularly in connection with the requirements of 30 CFR Parts 56/57.5002.

In the healthcare industry, mandatory vaccination programs for employees are common. Over the last few years, there has been increasing discussion about the importance of influenza vaccination for health care workers. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has taken an aggressive stance on mandatory flu shots, going after employers that fire workers who refuse the shot for religious reasons. If there is a mandatory process in place to keep patients safe that employees refuse to follow, thereby placing patients at risk, then it seems within the right of the health system to not have those employees work there any longer,” Williamson told Healthline.“To draw a parallel example; if a surgeon refused to wash his or her hands before surgery, they would similarly be fired for placing patients at risk by failure to comply with important infection prevention procedures,” he added.The terminations occurred as the United States is bracing for what experts say could be a,The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have announced that more than.That’s double the number during the same period last year.This includes doctors and nurses as well as support staff such as housekeeping and clerical workers who may not be directly interacting with patients.The CDC says those support workers could potentially transfer infections to healthcare workers and patients.Policies surrounding mandatory vaccination in healthcare systems vary between institutions but have become commonplace in recent times.“The concept of mandating influenza vaccine for all healthcare employees has been gaining strength and acceptance in the United States over the last 10 years. Once airborne, these droplets deposit in the air passages of people who are up to 6 feet away. 2019.Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. What vaccinations are recommended for you.Nursing made Incredibly Easy18(1):56, January/February 2020.The item(s) has been successfully added to ",This article has been saved into your User Account, in the Favorites area, under the new folder.Data is temporarily unavailable. § 31-7-18, relating to influenza vaccinations for discharged patients aged 65 and older, vaccinations or other measures for health care workers and other employees in hospitals, immunity from liability, and standing orders. MSHA says that it will be evaluating operator evidence of surveys conducted pursuant to the standard, which provides: “Dust, gas, mist, and fume surveys shall be conducted as frequently as necessary to determine the adequacy of control measures.”.Please understand that merely contacting us does not create an attorney-client relationship.