Strictly speaking, they are two different words that give different meanings. Let us consider the following terms: Which terms denote one-off events, which events last a term, and which events denote a whole BSc/MSc program?

Please check the module descriptions in the examination regulation or ask the student counselling for help. Receive all latest updates and answers right into your inbox. Check them out.
As for the UK, I will defer to others, as I am not as familiar with the usage there. Instead of including the module, you can (less commonly) also extend it. A module will never be anything other than a library of methods.

A BSc/MSc program comprises many courses. Information about data transfer when using Google Search™.

In India, the United Kingdom, Australia and Singapore, as well as parts of Canada, a course is the entire programme of studies required to complete a university degree, and the word "unit" or "module" would be used to refer to an academic course as … But, usage between institutes may vary. Focus on understanding the conceptual difference between the two and not on memorizing the different ways of combining them.

Is There a Technical (or Slang) Term for Triggering a Game Loss Due to Attempting to Draw from an Empty Library? In this very brief lesson, we'll look at the difference between classes and modules and how you can use modules to supercharge classes. A module is a single component, it can be a document, PDF, Powerpoint, SCORM presentation, Video, or Assessment you create and it can be distributed alone or as part of a course. To make this available to all your controllers, you would define it in a module like the ApplicationController, which gets included in every controller by default. One should carefully understand the difference between syllabus and curriculum as they are two important words in the field of education that are often confused as if they mean the same. A course is generally the main unit of instruction. Track your progress and access advanced courses on HTML/CSS, Ruby and JavaScript for free inside our student portal. A lecture has the same meaning as does a seminar. Also, Harvard refers to a one-semester course as a "half-course."). The 'course' field links to the 'mdl_course' table, which contains everything you need to know about a course. A lecture has the same meaning as does a seminar. Syllabus refers to the program or outline of a course of study. How does the college course 101 numbering system work? Deciding between a standard module and a class module is not a decision based on performance, but one of design. I've seen it used in professional development courses. The main difference between the two is in the way that they handle data. Is there any evidence to support the claim that English grammar is unusually straightforward?

This should be more useful now because it's different depending on whether you want the module's methods to become instance methods or class methods. When linking to a modules 'view.php' script, it is passed as the 'id' parameter, To get the 'context' for the module (used when checking user capabilities or linking files to an activity), via the function call 'context_module::instance($cmid)' (before Moodle 2.2 this was 'get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cmid)'), Every log entry in 'mdl_log' that relates to a specific activity has the 'cmid' field set.

But if you're using a class mostly so your objects can get access to a bunch of methods anyway, what's the difference? Is water an essential ingredient of alcohol based hand sanitizers? You can see both of these in action below: When you're building smaller projects, it may not make a whole lot of sense to worry about modules. What do I need to do as a potential mature student in the UK? Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Modules may seem a bit overkill for now but file them away in the back of your mind. @user2768 The field is computer science, if that helps. You can quickly gather all of this information, by using the 'get_fast_modinfo($course)' function. What is the final date I can register for my course or module? © 2007-2016 All rights reserved. For Content Creators and LMS Administrators, Uploading Your Training | Managing Your Modules/Courses, How effective communication can win the game for your business, How being Active is the Key to becoming a Good Communicator, Why You Need an In-House Social Media Marketing Team, 20 Tips to Maintain a Work-Life Balance Even in a Busy Schedule.

Each module/unit contains the same number of credits (15 or 6 in the European Credit Transfer System) - other than the Dissertation which is worth 60 credits or 24 in the European Credit Transfer System. Core courses are mandatory courses you must study to meet the requirements of your program. How long is each weekly module of a course. A course module (often abbreviated 'cm') represents each of the activities and resources found in a course. You will register for a course that lasts a term--which could be a semester or a quarter depending on the university. The uses and meanings of 'course', 'class' and 'lesson' vary considerably between North American English and British English. Swapping out our Syntax Highlighter, Hot Meta Posts: Allow for removal by moderators, and thoughts about future…, Math subject GRE to fill gaps in undergraduate education for PhD application. A seminar could be a one-off lecture or meeting but a seminar course or a course using a seminar format would be designed for a small group, likely under 20, with more discussion rather than lecture or every student presenting on various topics over the term. The module is a set of courses on a specific topic. Trying to cross into Tijuana by foot without a passport? It only takes a minute to sign up. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie Policy, Privacy Policy, and our Terms of Service. What is the difference between a course and a module?