The findings also highlight the importance of DNA typing and reference collections for the identification of rare species. "Up until now, all we have known about the spade-toothed beaked whale was from three partial skulls collected from New Zealand and Chile over a 140-year period. Five different individuals are pictured,An Omura's whale was discovered on a remote Exmouth beach in WA (pictured).

Omura had been previously misidentified as a Bryde's whale due to its small size at 33 to 38 feet,Rarely seen: The animal has a unique assymetrical pigmentation on its head,Scientists off the coast of Madagascar have catalogued 25 individual Omura whales,Images of Madagascar Balaenoptera omurai displaying details of pigmentation and external appearance. Nine conservation groups, along with many states and municipalities along the Atlantic coast, filed a legal challenge against the permits because they violate the Marine Mammal Protection Act, the Endangered Species Act, and the National Environmental Policy Act. Scientists have tagged Flue and took a biopsy from the whale … The case is ongoing, and the plan for air gun blasting has been on pause — for now.To understand how critical it is to keep North Atlantic right whales safe from disturbances like this in the only calving ground they have on the planet, consider that a female right whale doesn’t breed until she’s 10, and her pregnancy lasts a year before the calf is born. The whales have no way to protect themselves against the punishingly loud sound.

The species is on the verge of extinction, with only about 400 North Atlantic right whales left. The female True’s beaked whale … “We thought it might be a right whale, but we didn’t get visual confirmation. "It may be that they are simply an offshore species that lives and dies in the deep ocean waters and only rarely wash ashore," Constantine says. ScienceDaily, 5 November 2012. A rare whale with long, spiked teeth washed up on a southern California beach. ".The researchers say they really have no idea why the whales have remained so elusive. ".The two whales were discovered in December 2010, when they live-stranded and subsequently died on Opape Beach, New Zealand. Have any problems using the site? In just the past two years, 30 whales have died from ship strikes or by getting entangled in fishing gear, the leading causes of their mortality.This fall, Earthjustice and the Conservation Law Foundation won a major legal victory to keep right whales safe from dangerous fishing gear. Cetacea is an infraorder that comprises the 89 species of whales, dolphins, and porpoises.It is divided into toothed whales (Odontoceti) and baleen whales (Mysticeti), which diverged from each other some time in the Eocene 26 to 17 million years ago (mya). The two spade-toothed beaked whales, a … ScienceDaily. ".Get the latest science news with ScienceDaily's free email newsletters, updated daily and weekly. "World's rarest whale seen for the first time." This is the time of year that one of the rarest creatures on the planet, the North Atlantic right whale, heads south to the Atlantic waters off our coast. Their true identity came to light only following DNA analysis, which is done routinely as part of a 20-year program to collect data on the 13 species of beaked whales found in New Zealand waters. A whale that is almost unknown to science has been seen for the first time after two individuals -- a mother and her male calf -- were stranded and died on a New Zealand beach.

Two years ago, zero right whales were born.Last year was better, with researchers counting seven calves born. Researchers report that right whales would normally have a new calf about every three years. The eastern North Pacific right whale is the rarest whale in the world. There is a lot of marine life that remains unknown to us. World's rarest whale seen for the first time.Cell Press. "New Zealand is surrounded by massive oceans.