Recommended External Resource: This is an excellent Medium post with lots more Headline Examples. A feature article is found in newspapers but appears further into the paper or in supplements. While titles should be catchy enough to attract readers ensure to support it with quality contents that can keep the readers coming again and again and even sharing the post for others to read.But then i have also personally discovered that problem solving articles like How-to articles or any other problem solving kinda articles attract huge readers looking for solution to their problems and a good look at your site shows you have mastered this technique and have used it in a lot of ways and that is evident in the huge traffic is has brought to your site.JUst love reading your articles. Once students have really gotten a hang of reading news articles with understanding, it’s time to transition to writing a news article. Take in and apply as much new knowledge as you can.Not only we should spend more time writing articles, we must care about writing good attention grabbing titles. This is a great way to increase engagement, just be sure to deliver on your promises.They don’t even necessarily need to start with the words,“How to Have a Healthier and More Productive Home Office”,“10 Step To Successfully Outsourcing Your Online Business”,“21 Ways to Dominate Youtube: The Ultimate Guide”.One of best ways to get new readers is to Identify and solve a problem with trigger words.The top companies use emotional triggers in nearly every headline – another classic style that’s withstood the test of time.You’ll notice major companies like Cosmopolitan, Daily Mail and Yahoo using this style often:“Gene Breakthrough Restores The Sight Of People With Inherited Eye Disease And Could Save Thousands From Blindness”.Sometimes we get writers block and can’t think of a clever headline… This is where making a direct statement is the easiest and most effective way to engage your reader.“Before you buy an electric car: 21 Things You Should Know”,“Tips That Show Anybody How To Make Money Online – Guaranteed”,“Thousands Already Make Millions Online And So Can You”.Riding the wave of controversy is good for blogs that want to pull audiences in. Many writers infuse personal narratives into these essays. Besides local newspapers as potential outlets for feature writing, the annual Writer's Market lists thousands of magazine markets for freelance articles. A feature article is a creative article that deals with real events, issues, and trends. Also, avoid using a brand or client name in the headline unless it's very well known. For example, features that grow out of a slumping economy reflect the anxiety and despair of the individuals who are most affected. Many thanks for posting.This post has been quite educational, I am struggling to increase the followers in social media for my company, I’m positive your list will help us.We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. In home and garden magazines, there are how-to articles on how to better one's home.Essays focus on a single subject. FREE” Ways to Drive More Traffic To Your Website. Consider distributing your feature via newswire and, if possible, choose one that has a list of when and where your feature could be placed and advises on crafting your feature for the different audiences.Also, don't forget your web audience. These writers only appear in certain publications, as many magazines do not want their readers to mistake these articles for hard news.Julie Wagoner can often be found writing freelance articles on concerts, musicians, and other entertainment related subjects. It gets your visitor emotionally involved. it’s really an amazing share .You’re very welcome Amit, I’m glad you enjoyed the post!Thanks for the kind words. A feature podcast or multimedia news release can include all these assets to transform your story into an online experience for your audience, complete with links and reference materials to let them experience more for themselves.Once your feature's been accepted, look out for follow-up opportunities: Keep tabs on industry trends, or consider doing a "What happened a year later" story or a biography of someone quoted in the article.